Re: [PATCH v2] rtla/timerlat: Fix histogram ALL for zero samples
From: Tomas Glozar
Date: Wed Nov 27 2024 - 08:50:54 EST
st 27. 11. 2024 v 14:42 odesílatel <tglozar@xxxxxxxxxx> napsal:
> Fix the bug by omitting max/min/avg when sample count is zero,
> displaying a dash instead, just like we already do for the individual
> CPUs. The logic is moved into a new function called
> format_summary_value, which is used for both the individual CPUs
> and for the overall summary.
Note that the code is still repeated 18 times = 3 latencies (user,
thread, irq) times 3 summaries (max, min, avg) * 2 kinds (per-cpu,
overall). Due to the way the storing of the values and the printing is
implemented, it is not straightforward to reduce this code duplicity.
There are 9 different fields: (max, min, avg) * (user, thread, irq) -
of timerlat_hist_cpu, and min/max/avg are grouped together per-CPU.
I will send another patch to remove the duplicity if I get an idea how
to deal with it. The duplicity was there also before and is thus not
in the scope of this fix.