Re: [PATCH V2] sched/fair: Dequeue sched_delayed tasks when waking to a busy CPU
From: Mike Galbraith
Date: Wed Nov 27 2024 - 09:14:12 EST
On Tue, 2024-11-26 at 07:30 +0100, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> The intent is to blunt the instrument a bit. Paul should have a highly
> active interrupt source, which will give wakeup credit to whatever is
> sitting on that CPU, breaking 1:1 connections.. a little bit. That's
> why it still migrates tbench buddies, but NOT at a rate that turns a
> tbench progression into a new low regression.
BTW, the reason for the tbench wreckage being so bad is that when the
box is near saturation, not only are a portion of the surviving
sched_delayed tasks affine wakeups (always the optimal configuration
for this fast mover cliebt/server pair in an L3 equipped box), they are
exclusively affine wakeups. That is most definitely gonna hurt.
When saturating that becomes the best option for a lot of client/server
pairs, even those with a lot of concurrency. Turning them loose to
migrate at that time is far more likely than not to hurt a LOT, so V1
was doomed.
> The hope is that the
> load shift caused by that active interrupt source is enough to give
> Paul's regression some of the help it demonstrated wanting, without the
> collateral damage. It might now be so weak as to not meet the
> "meaningful" in my question, in which case it lands on the ginormous
> pile of meh, sorta works, but why would anyone care.
In my IO challenged box, patch is useless to fio, nothing can help a
load where all of the IO action, and wimpy action at that, is nailed to
one CPU. I can see it helping other latency sensitive stuff, like say
1:N mother of all work and/or control threads (and ilk), but if Phil's
problematic box looks anything like this box.. nah, it's a long reach.