Re: TPM/EFI issue [Was: Linux 6.12]

From: James Bottomley
Date: Wed Nov 27 2024 - 11:24:18 EST

On Wed, 2024-11-27 at 07:46 +0100, Jiri Slaby wrote:
> Cc TPM + EFI guys.
> On 17. 11. 24, 23:26, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > But before the merge window opens, please give this a quick test to
> > make sure we didn't mess anything up. The shortlog below gives you
> > the
> > summary for the last week, and nothing really jumps out at me. A
> > number of last-minute reverts, and some random fairly small fixes
> > fairly spread out in the tree.
> Hi,
> there is a subtle bug in 6.12 wrt TPM (in TPM, EFI, or perhaps in
> something else):
> Our testing (openQA) fails with 6.12:
> The last good is with 6.11.7:
> In sum:
> TPM is supposed to provide a key for decrypting the root partitition,
> but fails for some reason.
> It's extremely hard (so far) to reproduce outside of openQA (esp.
> when
> trying custom kernels).
> Most of the 6.12 TPM stuff already ended in (good) 6.11.7. I tried to
> revert:
>    423893fcbe7e tpm: Disable TPM on tpm2_create_primary() failure
> from 6.12 but that still fails.
> We are debugging this further, this is just so you know.
> Or maybe you have some immediate ideas?

Well, it looks like you eliminated the TPM changes:

So it must be something in the logging or event recording code. The
first thing to check is can you run a replay of the log to get the end
PCR values? The binary for that is

tsseventextend -sim -v -if

You'll have to check the values it gives against the values in


Probably also check sha1 to see if it matches.

