Re: [PATCH] counter: add COUNTER_FUNCTION_DISABLE for energy saving

From: William Breathitt Gray
Date: Wed Nov 27 2024 - 15:26:52 EST

On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 08:02:20PM -0300, Rafael V. Volkmer wrote:
> Add `COUNTER_FUNCTION_DISABLE` to the `counter_function` enum in the
> counter API. This allows file operations to signal other drivers to
> disable hardware resources, reducing energy consumption in
> power-sensitive scenarios.
> Previously, tests with Texas Instruments' eQEP modules revealed that
> hardware resources remained active unless the driver was removed,
> offering no user command to stop the count. This approach exposed the
> fragility of these resources.
> To address this, introduce a new enum option in the counter API to
> receive commands for disabling the hardware. This ensures the hardware
> enters an idle, power-saving state when not in use.
> Signed-off-by: Rafael V. Volkmer <rafael.v.volkmer@xxxxxxxxx>

Hello Rafael,

I wonder whether a new enum option is actually needed in this case.
Wouldn't the Count "enable" extension already provide a way for users to
stop the counting? I imagine the driver would determine implicitly that
the device can enter a power-saving state in that scenario when counting
has been disabled by the user.

William Breathitt Gray

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