Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: ti: k3-am69-sk: Add USB SuperSpeed support

From: s-vadapalli
Date: Thu Nov 28 2024 - 04:58:32 EST

On Thu, Nov 28, 2024 at 10:47:42AM +0100, Enric Balletbo i Serra wrote:
> Hi,


> So I changed the dr_mode to otg instead of host and tried to configure
> a usb mass storage gadget but unfortunately didn't work, but this
> could be a driver problem, I got the following error
> UDC core: g1: couldn't find an available UDC
> As the devicetree should describe the hardware, and as far as I can
> see it should support the type-c port act as a gadget, I'm fine with
> changing the dr_mode, unless anyone have more information about this,
> the thing that makes me think a bit more is that, in the TI kernel
> this is set to host, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something or is
> just that was never tested.

Are all interfaces (Type-A and Type-C) functional as Host when the
dr_mode is set to "otg"? (Do USB devices connected to the interfaces
enumerate on AM69-SK?) If yes, then it could be a DIP Switch setting
that is related to OTG mode of operation or a USB-C Mux that needs to be
