Re: [PATCH 0/9] coresight: change some driver' spinlock type to raw_spinlock_t

From: James Clark
Date: Thu Nov 28 2024 - 05:56:09 EST

On 25/11/2024 9:48 am, Yeoreum Yun wrote:
In some coresight drivers, drvdata->spinlock can be held during __schedule()
by perf_event_task_sched_out()/in().

Since drvdata->spinlock type is spinlock_t and
perf_event_task_sched_out()/in() is called after acquiring rq_lock,
which is raw_spinlock_t (an unsleepable lock),
this poses an issue in PREEMPT_RT kernel where spinlock_t is sleepable.

To address this,change type drvdata->spinlock in some coresight drivers,
which can be called by perf_event_task_sched_out()/in(),
from spinlock_t to raw_spinlock_t.

Levi Yun (9):
coresight: change coresight_device lock type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight-etm4x: change etmv4_drvdata spinlock type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight: change coresight_trace_id_map's lock type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight-cti: change cti_drvdata spinlock's type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight-etb10: change etb_drvdata spinlock's type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight-funnel: change funnel_drvdata spinlock's type to
coresight-replicator: change replicator_drvdata spinlock's type to
coresight-tmc: change tmc_drvdata spinlock's type to raw_spinlock_t
coresight/ultrasoc: change cti_drvdata spinlock's type to

.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-config.c | 21 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-config.h | 2 +-
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-core.c | 2 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-cti-core.c | 65 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-cti-sysfs.c | 135 +++--
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-cti.h | 2 +-
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-etb10.c | 62 +-
.../coresight/coresight-etm4x-core.c | 71 ++-
.../coresight/coresight-etm4x-sysfs.c | 566 +++++++++---------
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-etm4x.h | 2 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-funnel.c | 34 +-
.../coresight/coresight-replicator.c | 36 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-syscfg.c | 75 ++-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-core.c | 9 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-etf.c | 195 +++---
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc-etr.c | 199 +++---
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/coresight-tmc.h | 2 +-
.../hwtracing/coresight/coresight-trace-id.c | 93 ++-
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/ultrasoc-smb.c | 12 +-
drivers/hwtracing/coresight/ultrasoc-smb.h | 2 +-
include/linux/coresight.h | 4 +-
21 files changed, 751 insertions(+), 838 deletions(-)


Can TPIU be used as a sink with Perf? If so that one is missing the update.

Makes me wonder if something like a "perf_component" flag in coresight_device or a #define would make sense. Then the lock type gets auto picked. Seems like in a few years we will have completely forgotten why some of the coresight locks are raw and others aren't.