Re: [PATCH] netfilter: uapi: Fix file names for case-insensitive filesystem.
From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Thu Nov 28 2024 - 18:05:57 EST
Hi all!
On 11.11.24 21:28, Szőke Benjamin wrote:
What is your detailed plans to solve it?
Use a sane filesystem which is thus case-sensitive - case-insensitive
filesystems are broken by design (e.g. think of upper case/lower case
situation for non-ASCII-7bit clean languages like German which has
lower case ä,ö,ü and the upper case equivalents Ä,Ö,Ü including different
encodings - no you don't want more than 1 encoding on a computer but then
reality kicks in - and that in a filesystem driver in a kernel ....).
Kind regards,
Bernd Petrovitsch Email : bernd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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