[PATCH 0/1] power: supply: gpio-charger: Support to disable charger
From: Stefan Raufhake
Date: Fri Nov 29 2024 - 05:39:28 EST
From: Stefan Raufhake <s.raufhake@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
We have a device with a simple built-in UPS, which
is controlled by GPIOs. For the control of the UPS,
we used the “gpio-charger” driver module from the
power-supply. For our usecase we want to support
enabing and disabling the ups. When the UPS is
disabled, the device turns off immediately if the
supply power is switched off. When the UPS is
enabled, the device has power as long as the UPS
has enough energy for the device. Now, we are
looking for the best way to implement this
function. This patch contains our first proposal.
Stefan Raufhake (1):
power: supply: gpio-charger: Support to disable charger
.../bindings/power/supply/gpio-charger.yaml | 6 +++
drivers/power/supply/gpio-charger.c | 43 +++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 49 insertions(+)