Re: [PATCH v4 1/4] dt-bindindgs: i2c: qcom,i2c-geni: Document shared flag

From: Mukesh Kumar Savaliya
Date: Fri Nov 29 2024 - 09:43:48 EST

Thanks Rob, Krzysztof !

On 11/25/2024 1:41 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 17/11/2024 18:45, Mukesh Kumar Savaliya wrote:
Thanks Rob for your review and comments !

On 11/15/2024 11:01 PM, Rob Herring wrote:
On Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 09:44:10PM +0530, Mukesh Kumar Savaliya wrote:
Adds qcom,is-shared flag usage. Use this flag when I2C serial controller

Doesn't match the property name.
Sure, i need to change the name here as qcom,shared-se, will upload a
new patch.

needs to be shared in multiprocessor system(APPS,Modem,ADSP) environment.

Two clients from different processors can share an I2C controller for same
slave device OR their owned slave devices. Assume I2C Slave EEPROM device
connected with I2C controller. Each client from ADSP SS and APPS Linux SS
can perform i2c transactions.

Transfer gets serialized by Lock TRE + DMA xfer + Unlock TRE at HW level.

Signed-off-by: Mukesh Kumar Savaliya <quic_msavaliy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/qcom,i2c-geni-qcom.yaml | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/qcom,i2c-geni-qcom.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/qcom,i2c-geni-qcom.yaml
index 9f66a3bb1f80..fe36938712f7 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/qcom,i2c-geni-qcom.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/i2c/qcom,i2c-geni-qcom.yaml
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ properties:
maxItems: 1
+ qcom,shared-se:

What is 'se'? Is that defined somewhere?

SE is Serial Engine acting as I2C controller. Let me add second line for
SE here also.

It's mentioned in source code in Patch 3 where it's used.
>>> True if serial engine is shared between multiprocessors OR
Execution Environment.
You already got this comment:

""se" is also not explained in the binding - please open it and look for
such explanation."

Further comments asked you to rephrase it. Did anything improve? No,

You got comments, you ignore them and send the same.
It's actually changed to is-shared flag and again renamed to shared-se based on the review comments. This went for correction for flag naming. Sorry for missing SE description into dt-bindings in the latest patch.
I am adding it with more description.

But most important: I keep repeating this over and over - NAK for some
specific "shared-se" flag, different for each of your IP blocks. Come
with something generic for entire qualcomm. There are few of such flags
already and there are some patches adding it in different flavors.

we do have SE (serial engine) which works for i2c, spi, uart, i3c. And SE is single HW entity as you are aware of. But I feel it makes sense to keep this flag name per SE and even for SPI OR I3C we should be using same flag name in DTSI.
Get this consistent.

NAK for this and v5 doing exactly theh same.

Hope i meet expectations considering all your suggestions and past learning and not missing anything out of my mind.

Best regards,