Please do not send new revisions of a patch as response of an olderSorry, I cannot fully understand this meaning.
series, and please always provide a change log.
Should I use the new version of the patch to reply to the old version of
the patch instead of responding to the questions raised
This is an unrelated change. It affects other boards of the same family.I found that in the LibreHardwareMonitor project,
It needs to be a separate patch, it needs to be explained, and it needs to
get some confirmation that it works on the other boards of the same series.
the registers used by Amd600 to operate FanCPUOpt are described:
BoardFamily.Amd600, new Dictionary<ECSensor, EmbeddedControllerSource>
{ ECSensor.FanCPUOpt, new EmbeddedControllerSource("CPU Optional Fan", SensorType.Fan, 0x00b0, 2) },
I think this is suitable for the AMD 600 motherboard, and it does work on my motherboard as well.