Checkpatch miscomplaint about macro parentheses enclosure in traces

From: David Howells
Date: Tue Dec 03 2024 - 13:27:42 EST


I'm seeing:

ERROR: Macros with complex values should be enclosed in parentheses
#61: FILE: include/trace/events/rxrpc.h:484:
+#define rxrpc_tq_traces \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_alloc, "ALLOC") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_cleaned, "CLEAN") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_decant, "DCNT ") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_decant_advance, "DCNT>") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_queue, "QUEUE") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_queue_dup, "QUE!!") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_rotate, "ROT ") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_rotate_and_free, "ROT-F") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_rotate_and_keep, "ROT-K") \
+ EM(rxrpc_tq_transmit, "XMIT ") \
+ E_(rxrpc_tq_transmit_advance, "XMIT>")

in the trace headers. However, this cannot be parenthesised as one of the
things it is being used for is to generate an enum, thereby reducing the
number of times the list of symbols is given.

Can this be at least downgraded to a warning, if not waived altogether, if the
file is in the include/trace/events/ directory? Possibly the "EM"/"E_"/"EMe"
prefix could be checked for.
