Re: [PATCH v1 04/10] phy: phy-rockchip-samsung-hdptx: Add support for eDP mode

From: Damon Ding
Date: Thu Dec 05 2024 - 22:43:55 EST

Hi Sebastian,

On 2024/12/6 2:04, Sebastian Reichel wrote:
Hello Damon,

On Thu, Dec 05, 2024 at 09:13:33AM +0800, Damon Ding wrote:
Firstly, the term "the HDMI and eDP dynamic switching" can be somewhat
misleading, because the eDP usually does not support hot plug. The RK3588
eDP is often used as DP, and it actually supports DP 1.2. Therefore, it is
better to use the "the HDMI and DP dynamic switching" description.

The part unclear to me is how the dynamic switching is supposed to
happen. Looking at the TRM the hotplug detect signals also seem to be
shared between HDMI and eDP. Can the RK3588S EVB distinguish if HDMI
or eDP has been plugged, or does this require some user interaction
to set the right mode?

Indeed, HDMI and eDP share the same pin for hotplug detect. However, some users may connect the hotplug detection pin of DP-connector with an unexpected pin that can not support the iomux of hotplug detect function on RK3588 SoC. This could be due to a flaw in the hardware design, a conflict in pin multiplexing, or other factors. Therefore, we support the GPIO HDP function for the eDP, as DP also supports this for the same reasons.

If the dynamic switching is enabled, HDMI detects the HPD signal through the hotplug detect function pin, while eDP uses one of the available GPIO pins to do this.

What's more, if the user connects an HDMI cable first and than connects a DP cable as well, despite our clear instruction against using HDMI and eDP simultaneously, the status register of GRF will indicate that HDMI has been connected. Meanwhile, during the HPD detection process for eDP, it will return "connector_status_disconnected". The reverse scenario also applies.

Indeed, the devm_phy_get(dp->dev, "dp") and devm_of_phy_get_by_index() will
help to get the phy reference in .probe() or .bind().

However, the phy_set_mode() may be still needed in the HDMI and DP dynamic
switching application scenarios. We need the enum phy_mode
PHY_MODE_DP/PHY_MODE_HDMI to differentiate the configuration processes in
.power_on(), .power_off() and .configure() of struct phy_ops, which will be
called in conjunction with plugging in and unplugging an HDMI or DP cable.

I suppose you could fetch the PHY in power_on() and release it in
power_off(). But using phy_set_mode() might indeed be better here.

As a future expansion, the .set_mode() can also be helpful in the txffe level adjustment for HDMI 2.1. :)

-- Sebastian

Best regards,