Re: [PATCH] [PATCH] rust: macros: add authors
From: Daniel Sedlak
Date: Sat Dec 07 2024 - 05:15:15 EST
On 12/6/24 9:17 PM, Miguel Ojeda wrote:
There are several ways we could do this:
- A single field, that only accepts a list.
- A single field that accepts both a string or a list.
Since module is a macro, if we would allow syntax in the macro like:
authors: ["author1", "author2", ...]
I think we could fight with the code formatting, because when it comes
to the rust macros, rustfmt is often very confused and we could end up
with variations like:
authors: ["author1", "author2",
authors: [
and rustfmt would be totally ok with both of them.
- Two fields like this (that cannot coexist).
- Accepting several "author" fields and append them all into a list.
I think accepting several "author" fields is the best one because it
mirrors the C API, where in C when you want to specify more authors you
just repeat the MODULE_AUTHOR("author<N>") macro.