Re: [PATCH net-next v2 2/2] net/smc: support ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr client for smc-r v2
From: Guangguan Wang
Date: Tue Dec 10 2024 - 02:07:26 EST
On 2024/12/10 04:44, Halil Pasic wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Dec 2024 20:36:45 +0800
> Guangguan Wang <> wrote:
>>> I believe we would like to have a v3 here. Also I'm not sure
>>> checking on saddr is sufficient, but I didn't do my research on
>>> that question yet.
>>> Regards,
>>> Halil
>> Did you mean to research whether the daddr should be checked too?
> Right! Or is it implied that if saddr is a ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr
> then the daddr must be ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr as well?
> Regards,
> Halil
I did a test by iperf3:
A server with IPV4 addr and real IPV6 addr 2012::1/64.
A client with IPV4 addr and real IPV6 addr 2012::2/64.
iperf3 fails to run when server listen on IPV6 addr and client connect
to server using IPV4 mapped IPV6 addr. commands show below:
server: smc_run iperf3 -s -6 -B 2012::1
client: smc_run iperf3 -t 10 -c 2012::1 -6 -B ::ffff:
Failure happened due to the connect() function got the errno -EAFNOSUPPORT,
I also located the kernel code where the -EAFNOSUPPORT is returned
The call stack is:
The kernel code mentioned above restricts that when the saddr is ipv4
mapped ipv6 addr, the daddr should be either ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr or
ipv6_addr_any(::). As far as I know, the ipv6_addr_any daddr is used
to connect to a server listen on ipv6_addr_any(::) by loopback connection.
Thus, based on the test and the code, I think it has the restrict that for
SMC-Rv2 if saddr is a ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr then the daddr must be
ipv4 mapped ipv6 addr as well.
Guangguan Wang