Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] i2c: atr: Fix client detach

From: Tomi Valkeinen
Date: Tue Dec 10 2024 - 03:04:35 EST

Hi Wolfram,

On 22/11/2024 14:26, Tomi Valkeinen wrote:
From: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen+renesas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i2c-atr catches the BUS_NOTIFY_DEL_DEVICE event on the bus and removes
the translation by calling i2c_atr_detach_client().

However, BUS_NOTIFY_DEL_DEVICE happens when the device is about to be
removed from this bus, i.e. before removal, and thus before calling
.remove() on the driver. If the driver happens to do any i2c
transactions in its remove(), they will fail.

Fix this by catching BUS_NOTIFY_REMOVED_DEVICE instead, thus removing
the translation only after the device is actually removed.

Fixes: a076a860acae ("media: i2c: add I2C Address Translator (ATR) support")
Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen+renesas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/i2c/i2c-atr.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/i2c/i2c-atr.c b/drivers/i2c/i2c-atr.c
index f21475ae5921..0d54d0b5e327 100644
--- a/drivers/i2c/i2c-atr.c
+++ b/drivers/i2c/i2c-atr.c
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ static int i2c_atr_bus_notifier_call(struct notifier_block *nb,
dev_name(dev), ret);
i2c_atr_detach_client(client->adapter, client);

Can you pick this one up (ignore the two other patches in this series), or should I send it as a separate patch?
