[PATCH v16 01/18] media: uvcvideo: Fix event flags in uvc_ctrl_send_events

From: Ricardo Ribalda
Date: Tue Dec 10 2024 - 04:45:44 EST

If there is an event that needs the V4L2_EVENT_CTRL_CH_FLAGS flag, all
the following events will have that flag, regardless if they need it or

This is because we keep using the same variable all the time and we do
not reset its original value.

Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fixes: 805e9b4a06bf ("[media] uvcvideo: Send control change events for slave ctrls when the master changes")
Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <laurent.pinchart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Tested-by: Yunke Cao <yunkec@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Ricardo Ribalda <ribalda@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_ctrl.c | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_ctrl.c b/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_ctrl.c
index 4fe26e82e3d1..bab9fdac98e6 100644
--- a/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_ctrl.c
+++ b/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_ctrl.c
@@ -1673,13 +1673,13 @@ static void uvc_ctrl_send_events(struct uvc_fh *handle,
struct uvc_control_mapping *mapping;
struct uvc_control *ctrl;
- u32 changes = V4L2_EVENT_CTRL_CH_VALUE;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;

for (i = 0; i < xctrls_count; ++i) {
- ctrl = uvc_find_control(handle->chain, xctrls[i].id, &mapping);
+ u32 changes = V4L2_EVENT_CTRL_CH_VALUE;

+ ctrl = uvc_find_control(handle->chain, xctrls[i].id, &mapping);
if (ctrl->info.flags & UVC_CTRL_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS)
/* Notification will be sent from an Interrupt event. */
