Re: [PATCH 5/6] iommu: document missing def_domain_type return

From: Matthew Rosato
Date: Tue Dec 10 2024 - 17:15:57 EST

On 12/10/24 1:42 PM, Robin Murphy wrote:
> On 10/12/2024 4:26 pm, Matthew Rosato wrote:
>> On 12/9/24 9:57 PM, Baolu Lu wrote:
>>> On 12/10/24 03:24, Matthew Rosato wrote:
>>>> In addition to IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA, def_domain_type can also return
>>>> IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA_FQ when applicable, else flush queues will never be
>>>> used.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Matthew Rosato<mjrosato@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> ---
>>>>    include/linux/iommu.h | 1 +
>>>>    1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
>>>> diff --git a/include/linux/iommu.h b/include/linux/iommu.h
>>>> index 05279109c732..d0da1918d2de 100644
>>>> --- a/include/linux/iommu.h
>>>> +++ b/include/linux/iommu.h
>>>> @@ -585,6 +585,7 @@ iommu_copy_struct_from_full_user_array(void *kdst, size_t kdst_entry_size,
>>>>     * @def_domain_type: device default domain type, return value:
>>>>     *        - IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY: must use an identity domain
>>>>     *        - IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA: must use a dma domain
>>>> + *              - IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA_FQ: dma domain with batch invalidation
>>> In which case must an iommu driver return IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA_FQ?
>>> The flush queue is a policy of "when and how to synchronize the IOTLB"
>>> in dma-iommu.c. The iommu driver actually has no need to understand such
>>> policy.
>> If you look ahead to the next patch where I implement def_domain_type for s390, I found that if I only ever return IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA from ops->def_domain_type then when go through iommu_dma_init_domain() we will never call iommu_dma_init_fq() regardless of IOMMU_CAP_DEFERRED_FLUSH because of the if (domain->type == IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA_FQ) check.  So something isn't right here.
> Conceptually I don't think it ever makes sense for a driver to *require* a device to use deferred invalidation. Furthermore it's been the whole design for a while now that drivers should never see nor have to acknowledge IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA_FQ, it's now just an internal type which exists largely for the sake of making the sysfs interface work really neatly. Also beware that a major reason for overriding iommu_def_domain_type with a paging domain is for untrusted devices, so massaging the result based on iommu_dma_strict is still not necessarily appropriate anyway.
> It appears the real underlying issue is that, like everyone else in the same situation, you're doing def_domain_type wrong. If and when you can't support IOMMU_DOMAIN_IDENTITY, the expectation is that you make __iommu_alloc_identity_domain() fail, such that if iommu_def_domain_type is then ever set to passthrough, iommu_group_alloc_default_domain() falls back to IOMMU_DOMAIN_DMA by itself, and the user gets told they did a silly thing.

OK, I almost see where this all fits to throw out def_domain_type for this series... but looking at __iommu_alloc_identity_domain, the preferred approach is using a static identity domain which turns __iommu_alloc_identity_domain into a nofail case once you define the identity_domain:

if (ops->identity_domain)
return ops->identity_domain;

So it seems to me to be an all-or-nothing thing, whereas what I'm trying to achieve is a device-based decision on whether the group is allowed to use that identity domain. Which reminds me that this is ultimately why I ended up looking into def_domain_type in the first place.

If I need __iommu_alloc_identity_domain to fail, I guess what I'm looking to do boils down to something like...

if (ops->identity_domain) {
if (!ops->allow_identity || ops->allow_identity(dev))
return ops->identity_domain;