Re: [PATCH v4 2/2] Documentation/gpu: Add fdinfo meanings of drm-*-internal memory tags

From: Mihail Atanassov
Date: Wed Dec 11 2024 - 11:41:18 EST

Hi Adrián,

On 11/12/2024 16:34, Adrián Larumbe wrote:
A previous commit enabled display of driver-internal kernel BO sizes
through the device file's fdinfo interface.

Expand the description of the relevant driver-specific key:value pairs
with the definitions of the new drm-*-internal ones.

Signed-off-by: Adrián Larumbe <adrian.larumbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/gpu/panthor.rst | 14 ++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/gpu/panthor.rst b/Documentation/gpu/panthor.rst
index 3f8979fa2b86..c6d8236e3665 100644
--- a/Documentation/gpu/panthor.rst
+++ b/Documentation/gpu/panthor.rst
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ the currently possible format options:
drm-cycles-panthor: 94439687187
drm-maxfreq-panthor: 1000000000 Hz
drm-curfreq-panthor: 1000000000 Hz
+ drm-total-internal: 10396 KiB
+ drm-shared-internal: 0

You give an example of `drm-shared-internal`...

+ drm-active-internal: 10396 KiB
+ drm-resident-internal: 10396 KiB
drm-total-memory: 16480 KiB
drm-shared-memory: 0
drm-active-memory: 16200 KiB
@@ -44,3 +48,13 @@ driver by writing into the appropriate sysfs node::
Where `N` is a bit mask where cycle and timestamp sampling are respectively
enabled by the first and second bits.
+Possible `drm-*-internal` key names are: `total`, `active` and `resident`.

... but don't list it as a valid key name here.

+These values convey the sizes of the internal driver-owned shmem BO's that
+aren't exposed to user-space through a DRM handle, like queue ring buffers,
+sync object arrays and heap chunks. Because they are all allocated and pinned
+at creation time, `drm-resident-internal` and `drm-total-internal` should always
+be equal. `drm-active-internal` shows the size of kernel BO's associated with
+VM's and groups currently being scheduled for execution by the GPU.
+`drm-shared-memory` is unused at present, but in the future it might stand for
+the size of the Firmware regions, since they do not belong to an open file context.

Mihail Atanassov <mihail.atanassov@xxxxxxx>