Re: [PATCH 15/16] media: qcom: camss: Add CSID 780 support
From: Depeng Shao
Date: Thu Dec 12 2024 - 06:29:08 EST
Hi Bryan,
On 12/12/2024 5:57 AM, Bryan O'Donoghue wrote:
On 11/12/2024 14:07, Depeng Shao wrote:
+static int csid_configure_testgen_pattern(struct csid_device *csid,
s32 val)
+ return 0;
Could we avoid this empty callback by checking csid->ctrl in csid.c ?
If so, please make that change.
If not, it's fine.
For either case.
Reviewed-by: Bryan O'Donoghue <bryan.odonoghue@xxxxxxxxxx>
Vladimir suggested to add a dummy "return 0" function [1] for the
unsupported interface. So, I added this empty callback, will keep the
empty callback if no other concern. Thanks.