Re: [PATCH 2/2] drm/panel: simple: Add Tianma TM070JDHG34-00 panel support

From: Neil Armstrong
Date: Fri Dec 13 2024 - 04:28:37 EST

On 10/12/2024 18:28, Luca Ceresoli wrote:
Add Tianma TM070JDHG34-00 7.0" 1280x800 LVDS RGB TFT LCD panel.

Panel info and datasheet:

Signed-off-by: Luca Ceresoli <luca.ceresoli@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 42 insertions(+)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c
index 1562f122724137dec37eb11443eafc896ef2f2e8..b3c931a4e46a2568b3678d664f11b189873fa1e2 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/panel/panel-simple.c
@@ -4286,6 +4286,45 @@ static const struct panel_desc tianma_tm070jvhg33 = {
.bus_flags = DRM_BUS_FLAG_DE_HIGH,
+ * The datasheet computes total blanking as back porch + front porch, not
+ * including sync pulse width. This is for both H and V. To make the total
+ * blanking and period correct, subtract the pulse width from the front
+ * porch.
+ *
+ * This works well for the Min and Typ values, but for Max values the sync
+ * pulse width is higher than back porch + front porch, so work around that
+ * by reducing the Max sync length value to 1 and then treating the Max
+ * porches as in the Min and Typ cases.
+ *
+ * Exact datasheet values are added as a comment where they differ from the
+ * ones implemented for the above reason.
+ */
+static const struct display_timing tianma_tm070jdhg34_00_timing = {
+ .pixelclock = { 68400000, 71900000, 78100000 },
+ .hactive = { 1280, 1280, 1280 },
+ .hfront_porch = { 130, 138, 158 }, /* 131, 139, 159 */
+ .hback_porch = { 5, 5, 5 },
+ .hsync_len = { 1, 1, 1 }, /* 1, 1, 256 */
+ .vactive = { 800, 800, 800 },
+ .vfront_porch = { 2, 39, 98 }, /* 3, 40, 99 */
+ .vback_porch = { 2, 2, 2 },
+ .vsync_len = { 1, 1, 1 }, /* 1, 1, 128 */
+static const struct panel_desc tianma_tm070jdhg34_00 = {
+ .timings = &tianma_tm070jdhg34_00_timing,
+ .num_timings = 1,
+ .bpc = 8,
+ .size = {
+ .width = 150, /* 149.76 */
+ .height = 94, /* 93.60 */
+ },
+ .bus_format = MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RGB888_1X7X4_SPWG,
+ .connector_type = DRM_MODE_CONNECTOR_LVDS,
static const struct display_timing tianma_tm070rvhg71_timing = {
.pixelclock = { 27700000, 29200000, 39600000 },
.hactive = { 800, 800, 800 },
@@ -5028,6 +5067,9 @@ static const struct of_device_id platform_of_match[] = {
}, {
.compatible = "tianma,tm070jdhg30",
.data = &tianma_tm070jdhg30,
+ }, {
+ .compatible = "tianma,tm070jdhg34-00",
+ .data = &tianma_tm070jdhg34_00,
}, {
.compatible = "tianma,tm070jvhg33",
.data = &tianma_tm070jvhg33,

Reviewed-by: Neil Armstrong <neil.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxx>