[PATCH v3 4/4] rust: add parameter support to the `module!` macro

From: Andreas Hindborg
Date: Fri Dec 13 2024 - 06:36:41 EST

This patch includes changes required for Rust kernel modules to utilize
module parameters. This code implements read only support for integer
types without `sysfs` support.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@xxxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/lib.rs | 2 +
rust/kernel/module_param.rs | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rust/macros/helpers.rs | 10 ++
rust/macros/lib.rs | 31 ++++++
rust/macros/module.rs | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs | 10 ++
scripts/Makefile.build | 2 +-
7 files changed, 462 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/lib.rs b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
index e1065a7551a39e68d6379031d80d4be336e652a3..7670c47a967cdd7e4f63e00b8338c6042e391fee 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@

// Ensure conditional compilation based on the kernel configuration works;
// otherwise we may silently break things like initcall handling.
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
pub mod kunit;
pub mod list;
pub mod miscdevice;
+pub mod module_param;
pub mod net;
pub mod page;
diff --git a/rust/kernel/module_param.rs b/rust/kernel/module_param.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f63e50a6f02ff3f3fd1117717faf8fd37377c3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/module_param.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! Types for module parameters.
+//! C header: [`include/linux/moduleparam.h`](../../../include/linux/moduleparam.h)
+use crate::prelude::*;
+use crate::str::BStr;
+/// Newtype to make `bindings::kernel_param` `Sync`.
+pub struct RacyKernelParam(pub ::kernel::bindings::kernel_param);
+// SAFETY: C kernel handles serializing access to this type. We never access
+// from Rust module.
+unsafe impl Sync for RacyKernelParam {}
+/// Types that can be used for module parameters.
+/// Note that displaying the type in `sysfs` will fail if
+/// [`Display`](core::fmt::Display) implementation would write more than
+/// [`PAGE_SIZE`] - 1 bytes.
+/// [`PAGE_SIZE`]: `bindings::PAGE_SIZE`
+pub trait ModuleParam: Sized {
+ /// The `ModuleParam` will be used by the kernel module through this type.
+ ///
+ /// This may differ from `Self` if, for example, `Self` needs to track
+ /// ownership without exposing it or allocate extra space for other possible
+ /// parameter values.
+ // This is required to support string parameters in the future.
+ type Value: ?Sized;
+ /// Parse a parameter argument into the parameter value.
+ ///
+ /// `Err(_)` should be returned when parsing of the argument fails.
+ ///
+ /// Parameters passed at boot time will be set before [`kmalloc`] is
+ /// available (even if the module is loaded at a later time). However, in
+ /// this case, the argument buffer will be valid for the entire lifetime of
+ /// the kernel. So implementations of this method which need to allocate
+ /// should first check that the allocator is available (with
+ /// [`crate::bindings::slab_is_available`]) and when it is not available
+ /// provide an alternative implementation which doesn't allocate. In cases
+ /// where the allocator is not available it is safe to save references to
+ /// `arg` in `Self`, but in other cases a copy should be made.
+ ///
+ /// [`kmalloc`]: ../../../include/linux/slab.h
+ fn try_from_param_arg(arg: &'static [u8]) -> Result<Self>;
+/// Set the module parameter from a string.
+/// Used to set the parameter value at kernel initialization, when loading
+/// the module or when set through `sysfs`.
+/// `param.arg` is a pointer to `*mut T` as set up by the [`module!`]
+/// macro.
+/// See `struct kernel_param_ops.set`.
+/// # Safety
+/// If `val` is non-null then it must point to a valid null-terminated
+/// string. The `arg` field of `param` must be an instance of `T`.
+/// # Invariants
+/// Currently, we only support read-only parameters that are not readable
+/// from `sysfs`. Thus, this function is only called at kernel
+/// initialization time, or at module load time, and we have exclusive
+/// access to the parameter for the duration of the function.
+/// [`module!`]: macros::module
+unsafe extern "C" fn set_param<T>(
+ val: *const core::ffi::c_char,
+ param: *const crate::bindings::kernel_param,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int
+ T: ModuleParam,
+ // NOTE: If we start supporting arguments without values, val _is_ allowed
+ // to be null here.
+ assert!(!val.is_null());
+ // SAFETY: By function safety requirement, val is non-null and
+ // null-terminated. By C API contract, `val` is live and valid for reads
+ // for the duration of this function.
+ let arg = unsafe { CStr::from_char_ptr(val).as_bytes() };
+ crate::error::from_result(|| {
+ let new_value = T::try_from_param_arg(arg)?;
+ // SAFETY: `param` is guaranteed to be valid by C API contract
+ // and `arg` is guaranteed to point to an instance of `T`.
+ let old_value = unsafe { (*param).__bindgen_anon_1.arg as *mut T };
+ // SAFETY: `old_value` is valid for writes, as we have exclusive
+ // access. `old_value` is pointing to an initialized static, an
+ // so it is properly initialized.
+ unsafe { core::ptr::replace(old_value, new_value) };
+ Ok(0)
+ })
+/// Write a string representation of the current parameter value to `buf`.
+/// # Safety
+/// Must not be called.
+/// # Note
+/// This should not be called as we declare all parameters as read only.
+unsafe extern "C" fn get_param<T>(
+ _buf: *mut core::ffi::c_char,
+ _param: *const crate::bindings::kernel_param,
+) -> core::ffi::c_int
+ T: ModuleParam,
+ unreachable!("Parameters are not readable");
+/// Drop the parameter.
+/// Called when unloading a module.
+/// # Safety
+/// The `arg` field of `param` must be an initialized instance of `Self`.
+unsafe extern "C" fn free<T>(arg: *mut core::ffi::c_void)
+ T: ModuleParam,
+ // SAFETY: By function safety requirement, `arg` is an initialized
+ // instance of `T`. By C API contract, `arg` will not be used after
+ // this function returns.
+ unsafe { core::ptr::drop_in_place(arg as *mut T) };
+macro_rules! impl_int_module_param {
+ ($ty:ident) => {
+ impl ModuleParam for $ty {
+ type Value = $ty;
+ fn try_from_param_arg(arg: &'static [u8]) -> Result<Self> {
+ let bstr = BStr::from_bytes(arg);
+ <$ty as crate::str::parse_int::ParseInt>::from_str(bstr)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+/// A wrapper for kernel parameters.
+/// This type is instantiated by the [`module!`] macro when module parameters are
+/// defined. You should never need to instantiate this type directly.
+pub struct ModuleParamAccess<T> {
+ data: core::cell::SyncUnsafeCell<T>,
+impl<T> ModuleParamAccess<T> {
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ data: core::cell::SyncUnsafeCell::new(value),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get a shared reference to the parameter value.
+ // Note: When sysfs access to parameters are enabled, we have to pass in a
+ // held lock guard here.
+ pub fn get(&self) -> &T {
+ // SAFETY: As we only support read only parameters with no sysfs
+ // exposure, the kernel will not touch the parameter data after module
+ // initialization.
+ unsafe { &*self.data.get() }
+ }
+ /// Get a mutable pointer to the parameter value.
+ pub const fn as_mut_ptr(&self) -> *mut T {
+ self.data.get()
+ }
+/// Generate a static [`kernel_param_ops`](../../../include/linux/moduleparam.h) struct.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```ignore
+/// make_param_ops!(
+/// /// Documentation for new param ops.
+/// PARAM_OPS_MYTYPE, // Name for the static.
+/// MyType // A type which implements [`ModuleParam`].
+/// );
+/// ```
+macro_rules! make_param_ops {
+ ($ops:ident, $ty:ty) => {
+ ///
+ /// Static [`kernel_param_ops`](../../../include/linux/moduleparam.h)
+ /// struct generated by `make_param_ops`
+ #[doc = concat!("for [`", stringify!($ty), "`].")]
+ pub static $ops: $crate::bindings::kernel_param_ops = $crate::bindings::kernel_param_ops {
+ flags: 0,
+ set: Some(set_param::<$ty>),
+ get: Some(get_param::<$ty>),
+ free: Some(free::<$ty>),
+ };
+ };
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_I8, i8);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_U8, u8);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_I16, i16);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_U16, u16);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_I32, i32);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_U32, u32);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_I64, i64);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_U64, u64);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_ISIZE, isize);
+make_param_ops!(PARAM_OPS_USIZE, usize);
diff --git a/rust/macros/helpers.rs b/rust/macros/helpers.rs
index 563dcd2b7ace5e8322d0fddb409571cca2dd31ea..e4f2751e0f6bbd6a980ba57d630480f05682f59f 100644
--- a/rust/macros/helpers.rs
+++ b/rust/macros/helpers.rs
@@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ pub(crate) struct Generics {
pub(crate) ty_generics: Vec<TokenTree>,

+/// Parse a token stream of the form `expected_name: "value",` and return the
+/// string in the position of "value". Panics on parse error.
+pub(crate) fn expect_string_field(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter, expected_name: &str) -> String {
+ assert_eq!(expect_ident(it), expected_name);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ':');
+ let string = expect_string(it);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(it), ',');
+ string
/// Parses the given `TokenStream` into `Generics` and the rest.
/// The generics are not present in the rest, but a where clause might remain.
diff --git a/rust/macros/lib.rs b/rust/macros/lib.rs
index 4ab94e44adfe3206faad159e81417ea41a35815b..a75d354e3eec49fd4066ac3dd96c4afda2606d50 100644
--- a/rust/macros/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/macros/lib.rs
@@ -24,6 +24,30 @@
/// The `type` argument should be a type which implements the [`Module`]
/// trait. Also accepts various forms of kernel metadata.
+/// The `params` field describe module parameters. Each entry has the form
+/// ```ignore
+/// parameter_name: type {
+/// default: default_value,
+/// description: "Description",
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// `type` may be one of
+/// - `i8`
+/// - `u8`
+/// - `i8`
+/// - `u8`
+/// - `i16`
+/// - `u16`
+/// - `i32`
+/// - `u32`
+/// - `i64`
+/// - `u64`
+/// - `isize`
+/// - `usize`
/// C header: [`include/linux/moduleparam.h`](srctree/include/linux/moduleparam.h)
/// [`Module`]: ../kernel/trait.Module.html
@@ -40,6 +64,12 @@
/// description: "My very own kernel module!",
/// license: "GPL",
/// alias: ["alternate_module_name"],
+/// params: {
+/// my_parameter: i64 {
+/// default: 1,
+/// description: "This parameter has a default of 1",
+/// },
+/// },
/// }
/// struct MyModule(i32);
@@ -48,6 +78,7 @@
/// fn init(_module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
/// let foo: i32 = 42;
/// pr_info!("I contain: {}\n", foo);
+/// pr_info!("i32 param is: {}\n", module_parameters::my_parameter.read());
/// Ok(Self(foo))
/// }
/// }
diff --git a/rust/macros/module.rs b/rust/macros/module.rs
index 2587f41b0d3929af7ceac5f42b4711f70b4f8749..627279cf318b14b50128045bce980f9d60b9c6d0 100644
--- a/rust/macros/module.rs
+++ b/rust/macros/module.rs
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ struct ModInfoBuilder<'a> {
module: &'a str,
counter: usize,
buffer: String,
+ param_buffer: String,

impl<'a> ModInfoBuilder<'a> {
@@ -34,10 +35,11 @@ fn new(module: &'a str) -> Self {
counter: 0,
buffer: String::new(),
+ param_buffer: String::new(),

- fn emit_base(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, builtin: bool) {
+ fn emit_base(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, builtin: bool, param: bool) {
let string = if builtin {
// Built-in modules prefix their modinfo strings by `module.`.
@@ -51,8 +53,14 @@ fn emit_base(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, builtin: bool) {
format!("{field}={content}\0", field = field, content = content)

+ let buffer = if param {
+ &mut self.param_buffer
+ } else {
+ &mut self.buffer
+ };
- &mut self.buffer,
+ buffer,
@@ -75,20 +83,113 @@ fn emit_base(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, builtin: bool) {
self.counter += 1;

- fn emit_only_builtin(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str) {
- self.emit_base(field, content, true)
+ fn emit_only_builtin(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, param: bool) {
+ self.emit_base(field, content, true, param)

- fn emit_only_loadable(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str) {
- self.emit_base(field, content, false)
+ fn emit_only_loadable(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, param: bool) {
+ self.emit_base(field, content, false, param)

fn emit(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str) {
- self.emit_only_builtin(field, content);
- self.emit_only_loadable(field, content);
+ self.emit_internal(field, content, false);
+ }
+ fn emit_internal(&mut self, field: &str, content: &str, param: bool) {
+ self.emit_only_builtin(field, content, param);
+ self.emit_only_loadable(field, content, param);
+ }
+ fn emit_param(&mut self, field: &str, param: &str, content: &str) {
+ let content = format!("{param}:{content}", param = param, content = content);
+ self.emit_internal(field, &content, true);
+ }
+ fn emit_params(&mut self, info: &ModuleInfo) {
+ let Some(params) = &info.params else {
+ return;
+ };
+ for param in params {
+ let ops = param_ops_path(&param.ptype);
+ // Note: The spelling of these fields is dictated by the user space
+ // tool `modinfo`.
+ self.emit_param("parmtype", &param.name, &param.ptype);
+ self.emit_param("parm", &param.name, &param.description);
+ write!(
+ self.param_buffer,
+ "
+ pub(crate) static {param_name}:
+ ::kernel::module_param::ModuleParamAccess<{param_type}> =
+ ::kernel::module_param::ModuleParamAccess::new({param_default});
+ #[link_section = \"__param\"]
+ #[used]
+ static __{module_name}_{param_name}_struct:
+ ::kernel::module_param::RacyKernelParam =
+ ::kernel::module_param::RacyKernelParam(::kernel::bindings::kernel_param {{
+ name: if cfg!(MODULE) {{
+ c\"{module_name}.{param_name}\"
+ }} else {{
+ c\"{param_name}\"
+ }}.as_ptr(),
+ // SAFETY: `__this_module` is constructed by the kernel at load time
+ // and will not be freed until the module is unloaded.
+ #[cfg(MODULE)]
+ mod_: unsafe {{
+ (&::kernel::bindings::__this_module
+ as *const ::kernel::bindings::module)
+ .cast_mut()
+ }},
+ #[cfg(not(MODULE))]
+ mod_: ::core::ptr::null_mut(),
+ ops: &{ops} as *const ::kernel::bindings::kernel_param_ops,
+ perm: 0, // Will not appear in sysfs
+ level: -1,
+ flags: 0,
+ __bindgen_anon_1:
+ ::kernel::bindings::kernel_param__bindgen_ty_1 {{
+ arg: {param_name}.as_mut_ptr().cast()
+ }},
+ }});
+ ",
+ module_name = info.name,
+ param_type = param.ptype,
+ param_default = param.default,
+ param_name = param.name,
+ ops = ops,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+fn param_ops_path(param_type: &str) -> &'static str {
+ match param_type {
+ "i8" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_I8",
+ "u8" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_U8",
+ "i16" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_I16",
+ "u16" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_U16",
+ "i32" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_I32",
+ "u32" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_U32",
+ "i64" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_I64",
+ "u64" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_U64",
+ "isize" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_ISIZE",
+ "usize" => "::kernel::module_param::PARAM_OPS_USIZE",
+ t => panic!("Unsupported parameter type {}", t),

+fn expect_param_default(param_it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> String {
+ assert_eq!(expect_ident(param_it), "default");
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(param_it), ':');
+ let default = try_literal(param_it).expect("Expected default param value");
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(param_it), ',');
+ default
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct ModuleInfo {
type_: String,
@@ -98,6 +199,50 @@ struct ModuleInfo {
description: Option<String>,
alias: Option<Vec<String>>,
firmware: Option<Vec<String>>,
+ params: Option<Vec<Parameter>>,
+struct Parameter {
+ name: String,
+ ptype: String,
+ default: String,
+ description: String,
+fn expect_params(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> Vec<Parameter> {
+ let params = expect_group(it);
+ assert_eq!(params.delimiter(), Delimiter::Brace);
+ let mut it = params.stream().into_iter();
+ let mut parsed = Vec::new();
+ loop {
+ let param_name = match it.next() {
+ Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) => ident.to_string(),
+ Some(_) => panic!("Expected Ident or end"),
+ None => break,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(&mut it), ':');
+ let param_type = expect_ident(&mut it);
+ let group = expect_group(&mut it);
+ assert_eq!(group.delimiter(), Delimiter::Brace);
+ assert_eq!(expect_punct(&mut it), ',');
+ let mut param_it = group.stream().into_iter();
+ let param_default = expect_param_default(&mut param_it);
+ let param_description = expect_string_field(&mut param_it, "description");
+ expect_end(&mut param_it);
+ parsed.push(Parameter {
+ name: param_name,
+ ptype: param_type,
+ default: param_default,
+ description: param_description,
+ })
+ }
+ parsed

impl ModuleInfo {
@@ -112,6 +257,7 @@ fn parse(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> Self {
+ "params",
const REQUIRED_KEYS: &[&str] = &["type", "name", "license"];
let mut seen_keys = Vec::new();
@@ -140,6 +286,7 @@ fn parse(it: &mut token_stream::IntoIter) -> Self {
"license" => info.license = expect_string_ascii(it),
"alias" => info.alias = Some(expect_string_array(it)),
"firmware" => info.firmware = Some(expect_string_array(it)),
+ "params" => info.params = Some(expect_params(it)),
_ => panic!(
"Unknown key \"{}\". Valid keys are: {:?}.",
@@ -183,28 +330,30 @@ pub(crate) fn module(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let info = ModuleInfo::parse(&mut it);

let mut modinfo = ModInfoBuilder::new(info.name.as_ref());
- if let Some(author) = info.author {
- modinfo.emit("author", &author);
+ if let Some(author) = &info.author {
+ modinfo.emit("author", author);
- if let Some(description) = info.description {
- modinfo.emit("description", &description);
+ if let Some(description) = &info.description {
+ modinfo.emit("description", description);
modinfo.emit("license", &info.license);
- if let Some(aliases) = info.alias {
+ if let Some(aliases) = &info.alias {
for alias in aliases {
- modinfo.emit("alias", &alias);
+ modinfo.emit("alias", alias);
- if let Some(firmware) = info.firmware {
+ if let Some(firmware) = &info.firmware {
for fw in firmware {
- modinfo.emit("firmware", &fw);
+ modinfo.emit("firmware", fw);

// Built-in modules also export the `file` modinfo string.
let file =
std::env::var("RUST_MODFILE").expect("Unable to fetch RUST_MODFILE environmental variable");
- modinfo.emit_only_builtin("file", &file);
+ modinfo.emit_only_builtin("file", &file, false);
+ modinfo.emit_params(&info);

@@ -358,14 +507,17 @@ unsafe fn __exit() {{
+ mod module_parameters {{
+ {params}
+ }}
type_ = info.type_,
name = info.name,
modinfo = modinfo.buffer,
+ params = modinfo.param_buffer,
initcall_section = ".initcall6.init"
diff --git a/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs b/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
index 4aaf117bf8e3c0cc77e188b1ad0708e3650a6654..d999a77c6eb9a0db9acf5fa03d4feca5e6525fc8 100644
--- a/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
+++ b/samples/rust/rust_minimal.rs
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
author: "Rust for Linux Contributors",
description: "Rust minimal sample",
license: "GPL",
+ params: {
+ test_parameter: i64 {
+ default: 1,
+ description: "This parameter has a default of 1",
+ },
+ },

struct RustMinimal {
@@ -20,6 +26,10 @@ impl kernel::Module for RustMinimal {
fn init(_module: &'static ThisModule) -> Result<Self> {
pr_info!("Rust minimal sample (init)\n");
pr_info!("Am I built-in? {}\n", !cfg!(MODULE));
+ pr_info!(
+ "My parameter: {}\n",
+ *module_parameters::test_parameter.get()
+ );

let mut numbers = KVec::new();
numbers.push(72, GFP_KERNEL)?;
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.build b/scripts/Makefile.build
index c16e4cf54d770fd2cf585a65dc4ad9b6a6bd6e42..dabae1007afcb376218e65b022df72c494c8ab51 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.build
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.build
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ $(obj)/%.lst: $(obj)/%.c FORCE
# Compile Rust sources (.rs)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-rust_allowed_features := asm_const,asm_goto,arbitrary_self_types,lint_reasons
+rust_allowed_features := asm_const,asm_goto,arbitrary_self_types,lint_reasons,sync_unsafe_cell

# `--out-dir` is required to avoid temporaries being created by `rustc` in the
# current working directory, which may be not accessible in the out-of-tree
