Re: [PATCH] riscv: dts: starfive: Fix a typo in StarFive JH7110 pin function definitions

From: E Shattow
Date: Fri Dec 13 2024 - 15:06:15 EST

Hi Krzysztof,

On 12/13/24 01:37, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On Mon, Dec 09, 2024 at 08:19:56PM -0800, E Shattow wrote:
Fix a typo in StarFive JH7110 pin function definitions for GPOUT_SYS_SDIO1_DATA4

Fixes: e22f09e598d12 ("riscv: dts: starfive: Add StarFive JH7110 pin function definitions")
Signed-off-by: E Shattow <e@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Acked-by: Hal Feng <hal.feng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Why are you sending the same multiple times? Where is the changelog and
proper patch versioning?

Best regards,

I did respond to Hal's comment that the patch is missing a commit title description and that I would re-send. How instead should the message be formatted so the patch commit title description is changed but the patch is not the same being sent multiple times? And now, again, based on your comment that this is not a typo I will again change the commit description but I don't know how to do that without sending again as a duplicate.

Thank you for the review and for your patience with me when I am learning how to participate.
