On Sat, Dec 14, 2024 at 12:33 PM Christophe JAILLET
<christophe.jaillet-39ZsbGIQGT5GWvitb5QawA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Le 13/12/2024 à 22:19, Lothar Rubusch a écrit :
Replace the powerup / powerdown functions by a generic function to put
the sensor in STANDBY, or MEASURE mode. When configuring the FIFO for
several features of the accelerometer, it is recommended to put
measuring in STANDBY mode.
+static int adxl345_set_measure_en(struct adxl345_state *st, bool en)
+ unsigned int val = 0;
Nitpick: useless init
Nitpick: useless () around en.
Thank you for pointing out. I agree. This is better just in one line,
initialization directly and no parens. Anyway, since I already can see
the patch on the iio branch, I'll probably better leave it as is for
now (?).
Question: Since I'm currently about to build up tooling for linters
and static checkers. I'm doing checkpatch. I'm running Dan's smatch,
now. I'm correcting indention/spaces/tabs by some emacs settings.
DT/bindings I was doing wrong, and just figured out why after
submitting the last patch (...).
What is the best approach to find such kind of nitpick issues automatically?
+ return regmap_write(st->regmap, ADXL345_REG_POWER_CTL, val);