Re: [REGRESSION][BISECTED] from bd9bbc96e835: cannot boot Win11 KVM guest

From: Ranguvar
Date: Sun Dec 15 2024 - 13:51:13 EST

On Saturday, December 14th, 2024 at 18:39, Peter Zijlstra <peterz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Do the patches here:
> help?

I was able to apply both patches to Arch's 6.12.4 along with the svm.c regression patch.
Unfortunately it's the same broken behavior and kernel messages as bd9bbc96e835.

> I'm not really skilled with the whole virt thing, and I definitely do
> not have Windows guests at hand. If the above patches do not work; would
> it be possible to share an image or something?

I'm not sure if the fault is triggered by the pinned CPU cores, the PCIe passthrough, or the NVIDIA graphics driver on guest side.
I'm also unsure if then a Windows installation ISO or Linux live ISO might suffice to trigger the bug.

Unfortunately this guest cannot be taken down very often during this month.
As time allows though I will attempt to create a reduced and generified copy of my domain xml file such that you could import it using `virsh define` and then add some install or OS image.

Just let me know if I should test anything else or if you have any ideas about approaching with debug tools.

Thank you again.
- Devin