[PATCH 1/5] soundwire: SDCA: Add additional SDCA address macros

From: Charles Keepax
Date: Tue Dec 17 2024 - 08:59:59 EST

Compliment the existing macro to construct an SDCA control address
with macros to extract the constituent parts, and validation of such
an address. Also update the masks for the original macro to use
GENMASK to make mental comparisons with the included comment on the
address format easier.

Signed-off-by: Charles Keepax <ckeepax@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
include/linux/soundwire/sdw_registers.h | 30 ++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/linux/soundwire/sdw_registers.h b/include/linux/soundwire/sdw_registers.h
index 658b10fa5b20..0a5939285583 100644
--- a/include/linux/soundwire/sdw_registers.h
+++ b/include/linux/soundwire/sdw_registers.h
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@

+#include <linux/bitfield.h>
+#include <linux/bits.h>
* SDW registers as defined by MIPI 1.2 Spec
@@ -329,16 +332,27 @@
* 2:0 Control Number[2:0]

-#define SDW_SDCA_CTL(fun, ent, ctl, ch) (BIT(30) | \
- (((fun) & 0x7) << 22) | \
- (((ent) & 0x40) << 15) | \
- (((ent) & 0x3f) << 7) | \
- (((ctl) & 0x30) << 15) | \
- (((ctl) & 0x0f) << 3) | \
- (((ch) & 0x38) << 12) | \
- ((ch) & 0x07))
+#define SDW_SDCA_CTL(fun, ent, ctl, ch) (BIT(30) | \
+ (((fun) & GENMASK(2, 0)) << 22) | \
+ (((ent) & BIT(6)) << 15) | \
+ (((ent) & GENMASK(5, 0)) << 7) | \
+ (((ctl) & GENMASK(5, 4)) << 15) | \
+ (((ctl) & GENMASK(3, 0)) << 3) | \
+ (((ch) & GENMASK(5, 3)) << 12) | \
+ ((ch) & GENMASK(2, 0)))
+#define SDW_SDCA_CTL_FUNC(reg) FIELD_GET(GENMASK(24, 22), (reg))
+#define SDW_SDCA_CTL_ENT(reg) ((FIELD_GET(BIT(21), (reg)) << 6) | \
+ FIELD_GET(GENMASK(12, 7), (reg)))
+#define SDW_SDCA_CTL_CSEL(reg) ((FIELD_GET(GENMASK(20, 19), (reg)) << 4) | \
+ FIELD_GET(GENMASK(6, 3), (reg)))
+#define SDW_SDCA_CTL_CNUM(reg) ((FIELD_GET(GENMASK(17, 15), (reg)) << 3) | \
+ FIELD_GET(GENMASK(2, 0), (reg)))

#define SDW_SDCA_MBQ_CTL(reg) ((reg) | BIT(13))
#define SDW_SDCA_NEXT_CTL(reg) ((reg) | BIT(14))

+/* Check the reserved and fixed bits in address */
+#define SDW_SDCA_VALID_CTL(reg) (((reg) & (GENMASK(31, 25) | BIT(18) | BIT(13))) == BIT(30))
#endif /* __SDW_REGISTERS_H */