[PATCH V2 2/2] mmc: sdhci-msm: Rectify DLL programming sequence for SDCC
From: Sachin Gupta
Date: Wed Dec 18 2024 - 04:12:44 EST
With the current DLL sequence stability issues for data
transfer seen in HS400 and HS200 modes.
"mmc0: cqhci: error IRQ status: 0x00000000 cmd error -84
data error 0"
Rectify the DLL programming sequence as per latest hardware
programming guide and also incorporate support for HS200 and
HS400 DLL settings using the device tree.
Signed-off-by: Sachin Gupta <quic_sachgupt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Bao D. Nguyen <nguyenb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Sarthak Garg <sartgarg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Jun Li <liju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c | 372 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 353 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c
index 2a5e588779fc..4ecb362f7f2a 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+#define SDHCI_MSM_MIN_V_7FF 0x6e
#define CORE_MCI_GENERICS 0x70
@@ -118,7 +119,8 @@
#define DDR_CONFIG_POR_VAL 0x80040873
+#define DLL_CONFIG_3_POR_VAL 0x10
+#define TCXO_FREQ 19200000
#define SDHCI_MSM_MIN_CLOCK 400000
@@ -256,6 +258,19 @@ struct sdhci_msm_variant_info {
const struct sdhci_msm_offset *offset;
+ * DLL registers which needs be programmed with HSR settings.
+ * Add any new register only at the end and don't change the
+ * sequence.
+ */
+struct sdhci_msm_dll {
+ u32 dll_config[2];
+ u32 dll_config_2[2];
+ u32 dll_config_3[2];
+ u32 dll_usr_ctl[2];
+ u32 ddr_config[2];
struct sdhci_msm_host {
struct platform_device *pdev;
void __iomem *core_mem; /* MSM SDCC mapped address */
@@ -264,6 +279,7 @@ struct sdhci_msm_host {
struct clk *xo_clk; /* TCXO clk needed for FLL feature of cm_dll*/
/* core, iface, cal and sleep clocks */
struct clk_bulk_data bulk_clks[4];
+ struct sdhci_msm_dll dll;
struct qcom_ice *ice;
@@ -292,6 +308,17 @@ struct sdhci_msm_host {
u32 dll_config;
u32 ddr_config;
bool vqmmc_enabled;
+ bool artanis_dll;
+enum dll_init_context {
+enum mode {
+ HS400, // equivalent to SDR104 mode for DLL.
+ HS200, // equivalent to SDR50 mode for DLL.
static const struct sdhci_msm_offset *sdhci_priv_msm_offset(struct sdhci_host *host)
@@ -778,6 +805,210 @@ static int msm_init_cm_dll(struct sdhci_host *host)
return 0;
+static unsigned int sdhci_msm_get_min_clock(struct sdhci_host *host)
+static unsigned int sdhci_msm_get_clk_rate(struct sdhci_host *host, u32 req_clk)
+ struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
+ struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host = sdhci_pltfm_priv(pltfm_host);
+ struct clk *core_clk = msm_host->bulk_clks[0].clk;
+ unsigned int sup_clk;
+ if (req_clk < sdhci_msm_get_min_clock(host))
+ return sdhci_msm_get_min_clock(host);
+ sup_clk = clk_round_rate(core_clk, clk_get_rate(core_clk));
+ if (host->clock != msm_host->clk_rate)
+ sup_clk = sup_clk / 2;
+ return sup_clk;
+/* Initialize the DLL (Programmable Delay Line) */
+static int sdhci_msm_configure_dll(struct sdhci_host *host, enum dll_init_context
+ init_context, enum mode index)
+ struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
+ struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host = sdhci_pltfm_priv(pltfm_host);
+ const struct sdhci_msm_offset *msm_offset = msm_host->offset;
+ struct mmc_host *mmc = host->mmc;
+ u32 ddr_cfg_offset, core_vendor_spec, config;
+ void __iomem *ioaddr = host->ioaddr;
+ unsigned long flags, dll_clock;
+ int rc = 0, wait_cnt = 50;
+ dll_clock = sdhci_msm_get_clk_rate(host, host->clock);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&host->lock, flags);
+ core_vendor_spec = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_vendor_spec);
+ /*
+ * Always disable PWRSAVE during the DLL power
+ * up regardless of its current setting.
+ */
+ core_vendor_spec &= ~CORE_CLK_PWRSAVE;
+ writel_relaxed(core_vendor_spec, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_vendor_spec);
+ if (msm_host->use_14lpp_dll_reset) {
+ /* Disable CK_OUT */
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ config &= ~CORE_CK_OUT_EN;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /* Disable the DLL clock */
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Write 1 to DLL_RST bit of DLL_CONFIG register
+ * and Write 1 to DLL_PDN bit of DLL_CONFIG register.
+ */
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ config |= (CORE_DLL_RST | CORE_DLL_PDN);
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /*
+ * Configure DLL_CONFIG_3 and USER_CTRL
+ * (Only applicable for 7FF projects).
+ */
+ if (msm_host->core_minor >= SDHCI_MSM_MIN_V_7FF) {
+ writel_relaxed(msm_host->dll.dll_config_3[index],
+ ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_3);
+ writel_relaxed(msm_host->dll.dll_usr_ctl[index],
+ ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_usr_ctl);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set DDR_CONFIG since step 7 is setting TEST_CTRL that can be skipped.
+ */
+ ddr_cfg_offset = msm_host->updated_ddr_cfg ? msm_offset->core_ddr_config
+ : msm_offset->core_ddr_config_old;
+ config = msm_host->dll.ddr_config[index];
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + ddr_cfg_offset);
+ /* Set DLL_CONFIG_2 */
+ if (msm_host->use_14lpp_dll_reset) {
+ u32 mclk_freq;
+ int cycle_cnt;
+ /*
+ * Only configure the mclk_freq in normal DLL init
+ * context. If the DLL init is coming from
+ * CX Collapse Exit context, the host->clock may be zero.
+ * The DLL_CONFIG_2 register has already been restored to
+ * proper value prior to getting here.
+ */
+ if (init_context == DLL_INIT_NORMAL) {
+ cycle_cnt = readl_relaxed(ioaddr +
+ msm_offset->core_dll_config_2)
+ & CORE_FLL_CYCLE_CNT ? 8 : 4;
+ mclk_freq = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL(dll_clock * cycle_cnt, TCXO_FREQ);
+ if (dll_clock < 100000000) {
+ pr_err("%s: %s: Non standard clk freq =%u\n",
+ mmc_hostname(mmc), __func__, dll_clock);
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ config = (config & ~(0xFF << 10)) | (mclk_freq << 10);
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ }
+ /* wait for 5us before enabling DLL clock */
+ udelay(5);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Update the lower two bytes of DLL_CONFIG only with
+ * HSR values. Since these are the static settings.
+ */
+ config = (readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config));
+ config |= (msm_host->dll.dll_config[index] & 0xffff);
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /* Wait for 52us */
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags);
+ udelay(60);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&host->lock, flags);
+ /*
+ * Write 0 to DLL_RST bit of DLL_CONFIG register
+ * and Write 0 to DLL_PDN bit of DLL_CONFIG register.
+ */
+ config &= ~CORE_DLL_RST;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ config &= ~CORE_DLL_PDN;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /* Write 1 to DLL_RST bit of DLL_CONFIG register */
+ config |= CORE_DLL_RST;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /* Write 0 to DLL_RST bit of DLL_CONFIG register */
+ config &= ~CORE_DLL_RST;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ if (msm_host->use_14lpp_dll_reset) {
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config_2);
+ }
+ /* Set DLL_EN bit to 1. */
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ config |= CORE_DLL_EN;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /*
+ * Wait for 8000 input clock. Here we calculate the
+ * delay from fixed clock freq 192MHz, which turns out 42us.
+ */
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags);
+ udelay(50);
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&host->lock, flags);
+ /* Set CK_OUT_EN bit to 1. */
+ config |= CORE_CK_OUT_EN;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_config);
+ /*
+ * Wait until DLL_LOCK bit of DLL_STATUS register
+ * becomes '1'.
+ */
+ while (!(readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_dll_status) &
+ /* max. wait for 50us sec for LOCK bit to be set */
+ if (--wait_cnt == 0) {
+ dev_err(mmc_dev(mmc), "%s: DLL failed to LOCK\n",
+ mmc_hostname(mmc));
+ rc = -ETIMEDOUT;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* wait for 1us before polling again */
+ udelay(1);
+ }
+ if (core_vendor_spec & CORE_CLK_PWRSAVE) {
+ /* Reenable PWRSAVE as needed */
+ config = readl_relaxed(ioaddr + msm_offset->core_vendor_spec);
+ config |= CORE_CLK_PWRSAVE;
+ writel_relaxed(config, ioaddr + msm_offset->core_vendor_spec);
+ }
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&host->lock, flags);
+ return rc;
static void msm_hc_select_default(struct sdhci_host *host)
struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
@@ -900,14 +1131,35 @@ static void sdhci_msm_hc_select_mode(struct sdhci_host *host)
+static int sdhci_msm_init_dll(struct sdhci_host *host, enum dll_init_context init_context)
+ unsigned char timing = host->mmc->ios.timing;
+ int ret;
+ if (timing == MMC_TIMING_UHS_SDR104 || timing == MMC_TIMING_MMC_HS400)
+ ret = sdhci_msm_configure_dll(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL, HS400);
+ else
+ ret = sdhci_msm_configure_dll(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL, HS200);
+ return ret;
+static int sdhci_msm_dll_config(struct sdhci_host *host, enum dll_init_context init_context)
+ struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
+ struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host = sdhci_pltfm_priv(pltfm_host);
+ return msm_host->artanis_dll ? sdhci_msm_init_dll(host, init_context) :
+ msm_init_cm_dll(host);
static int sdhci_msm_cdclp533_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host = sdhci_pltfm_priv(pltfm_host);
+ const struct sdhci_msm_offset *msm_offset = msm_host->offset;
u32 config, calib_done;
int ret;
- const struct sdhci_msm_offset *msm_offset =
- msm_host->offset;
pr_debug("%s: %s: Enter\n", mmc_hostname(host->mmc), __func__);
@@ -915,7 +1167,7 @@ static int sdhci_msm_cdclp533_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
* Retuning in HS400 (DDR mode) will fail, just reset the
* tuning block and restore the saved tuning phase.
- ret = msm_init_cm_dll(host);
+ ret = sdhci_msm_dll_config(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL);
if (ret)
goto out;
@@ -1003,7 +1255,7 @@ static int sdhci_msm_cdclp533_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
return ret;
-static int sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
+static int sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host, enum mode index)
struct mmc_host *mmc = host->mmc;
u32 dll_status, config, ddr_cfg_offset;
@@ -1014,7 +1266,6 @@ static int sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
pr_debug("%s: %s: Enter\n", mmc_hostname(host->mmc), __func__);
* Currently the core_ddr_config register defaults to desired
* configuration on reset. Currently reprogramming the power on
@@ -1026,7 +1277,11 @@ static int sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
ddr_cfg_offset = msm_offset->core_ddr_config;
ddr_cfg_offset = msm_offset->core_ddr_config_old;
- writel_relaxed(msm_host->ddr_config, host->ioaddr + ddr_cfg_offset);
+ if (msm_host->artanis_dll)
+ writel_relaxed(msm_host->dll.ddr_config[index], host->ioaddr + ddr_cfg_offset);
+ else
+ writel_relaxed(msm_host->ddr_config, host->ioaddr + ddr_cfg_offset);
if (mmc->ios.enhanced_strobe) {
config = readl_relaxed(host->ioaddr +
@@ -1083,11 +1338,10 @@ static int sdhci_msm_hs400_dll_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
struct sdhci_pltfm_host *pltfm_host = sdhci_priv(host);
struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host = sdhci_pltfm_priv(pltfm_host);
+ const struct sdhci_msm_offset *msm_offset = msm_host->offset;
struct mmc_host *mmc = host->mmc;
- int ret;
u32 config;
- const struct sdhci_msm_offset *msm_offset =
- msm_host->offset;
+ int ret;
pr_debug("%s: %s: Enter\n", mmc_hostname(host->mmc), __func__);
@@ -1095,7 +1349,8 @@ static int sdhci_msm_hs400_dll_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
* Retuning in HS400 (DDR mode) will fail, just reset the
* tuning block and restore the saved tuning phase.
- ret = msm_init_cm_dll(host);
+ ret = sdhci_msm_dll_config(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL);
if (ret)
goto out;
@@ -1115,7 +1370,7 @@ static int sdhci_msm_hs400_dll_calibration(struct sdhci_host *host)
if (msm_host->use_cdclp533)
ret = sdhci_msm_cdclp533_calibration(host);
- ret = sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(host);
+ ret = sdhci_msm_cm_dll_sdc4_calibration(host, HS400);
pr_debug("%s: %s: Exit, ret %d\n", mmc_hostname(host->mmc),
__func__, ret);
@@ -1154,7 +1409,8 @@ static int sdhci_msm_restore_sdr_dll_config(struct sdhci_host *host)
return 0;
/* Reset the tuning block */
- ret = msm_init_cm_dll(host);
+ ret = sdhci_msm_dll_config(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL);
if (ret)
return ret;
@@ -1223,7 +1479,7 @@ static int sdhci_msm_execute_tuning(struct mmc_host *mmc, u32 opcode)
/* First of all reset the tuning block */
- rc = msm_init_cm_dll(host);
+ rc = sdhci_msm_dll_config(host, DLL_INIT_NORMAL);
if (rc)
return rc;
@@ -1752,11 +2008,6 @@ static unsigned int sdhci_msm_get_max_clock(struct sdhci_host *host)
return clk_round_rate(core_clk, ULONG_MAX);
-static unsigned int sdhci_msm_get_min_clock(struct sdhci_host *host)
* __sdhci_msm_set_clock - sdhci_msm clock control.
@@ -2400,6 +2651,86 @@ static int sdhci_msm_gcc_reset(struct device *dev, struct sdhci_host *host)
return ret;
+static int sdhci_msm_dt_get_array(struct device *dev, const char *prop_name,
+ u32 **bw_vecs, int *len, u32 size)
+ struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+ u32 *arr = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ size_t sz;
+ if (!np) {
+ ret = -ENODEV;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!of_get_property(np, prop_name, len)) {
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ sz = *len = *len / sizeof(*arr);
+ if (sz <= 0 || (size > 0 && (sz > size))) {
+ dev_err(dev, "%s invalid size\n", prop_name);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ arr = devm_kzalloc(dev, sz * sizeof(*arr), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!arr) {
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ret = of_property_read_u32_array(np, prop_name, arr, sz);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(dev, "%s failed reading array %d\n", prop_name, ret);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ *bw_vecs = arr;
+ if (ret)
+ *len = 0;
+ return ret;
+static int sdhci_msm_dt_parse_dll_info(struct device *dev, struct sdhci_msm_host *msm_host)
+ int dll_table_len, dll_reg_count;
+ u32 *dll_table = NULL;
+ u32 dll_values[10];
+ int ret = 0, i;
+ if (sdhci_msm_dt_get_array(dev, "qcom,dll-hsr-list",
+ &dll_table, &dll_table_len, 0))
+ goto skip_dll;
+ dll_reg_count = sizeof(struct sdhci_msm_dll) / sizeof(u32);
+ if (dll_table_len != dll_reg_count) {
+ dev_err(dev, "Number of HSR entries are not matching\n");
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto skip_dll;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ dll_values[2 * i] = dll_table[i];
+ dll_values[2 * i + 1] = dll_table[i + 5];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ dll_table[i] = dll_values[i];
+ memcpy(&msm_host->dll, dll_table, sizeof(struct sdhci_msm_dll));
+ msm_host->artanis_dll = true;
+ if (!dll_table) {
+ msm_host->artanis_dll = false;
+ dev_err(dev, "Failed to get dll hsr settings from dt\n");
+ }
+ return ret;
static int sdhci_msm_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct sdhci_host *host;
@@ -2446,6 +2777,9 @@ static int sdhci_msm_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
msm_host->saved_tuning_phase = INVALID_TUNING_PHASE;
+ if (sdhci_msm_dt_parse_dll_info(&pdev->dev, msm_host))
+ goto pltfm_free;
ret = sdhci_msm_gcc_reset(&pdev->dev, host);
if (ret)
goto pltfm_free;