[PATCH v4 3/3] rust: alloc: Add doctest for `ArrayLayout`

From: Jimmy Ostler
Date: Fri Dec 20 2024 - 01:29:35 EST

Add a rustdoc example and Kunit test to the `ArrayLayout` struct's
`ArrayLayout::new()` function.

This patch depends on the first patch in this series in order for the
kunit test to compile.

Suggested-by: Boqun Feng <boqun.feng@xxxxxxxxx>
Link: https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/linux/issues/1131
Reviewed-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Jimmy Ostler <jtostler1@xxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/alloc/layout.rs | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/alloc/layout.rs b/rust/kernel/alloc/layout.rs
index 4b3cd7fdc816..0e053dcc7941 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/alloc/layout.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/alloc/layout.rs
@@ -43,6 +43,25 @@ pub const fn empty() -> Self {
/// # Errors
/// When `len * size_of::<T>()` overflows or when `len * size_of::<T>() > isize::MAX`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use kernel::alloc::layout::{ArrayLayout, LayoutError};
+ /// let layout = ArrayLayout::<i32>::new(15)?;
+ /// assert_eq!(layout.len(), 15);
+ ///
+ /// // Errors because `len * size_of::<T>()` overflows
+ /// let layout = ArrayLayout::<i32>::new(isize::MAX as usize);
+ /// assert!(layout.is_err());
+ ///
+ /// // Errors because `len * size_of::<i32>() > isize::MAX`,
+ /// // even though `len < isize::MAX`
+ /// let layout = ArrayLayout::<i32>::new(isize::MAX as usize / 2);
+ /// assert!(layout.is_err());
+ ///
+ /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+ /// ```
pub const fn new(len: usize) -> Result<Self, LayoutError> {
match len.checked_mul(core::mem::size_of::<T>()) {
Some(size) if size <= ISIZE_MAX => {