Re: [RFC PATCH mpam mpam/snapshot/v6.12-rc1 v3 4/5] arm_mpam: Automatically synchronize the configuration of all sub-monitoring groups

From: Zeng Heng
Date: Fri Dec 20 2024 - 04:36:52 EST

On 2024/12/13 0:18, Dave Martin wrote:

@@ -3072,9 +3080,20 @@ struct mpam_write_config_arg {
static int __write_config(void *arg)
+ int closid_num = resctrl_arch_get_num_closid(NULL);
struct mpam_write_config_arg *c = arg;
+ u32 reqpartid, req_idx;
+ WARN_ON(c->partid >= closid_num);
- mpam_reprogram_ris_partid(c->ris, c->partid, &c->comp->cfg[c->partid]);
+ /* Synchronize the configuration to each sub-monitoring group. */
+ for (req_idx = 0; req_idx < get_num_reqpartid_per_closid();
+ req_idx++) {
+ reqpartid = req_idx * closid_num + c->partid;
+ mpam_reprogram_ris_partid(c->ris, reqpartid,
+ &c->comp->cfg[c->partid]);
+ }
return 0;

I haven't decided whether this iteration belongs here or in

Your approach looks like it should work; I do it in
resctrl_arch_update_one() instead [1], but I think the approaches are
pretty much equivalent -- but let me know if you have any thoughts on

Yes, the actual functions of these two locations are essentially the
same. However, at the __write_config position, we can reduce the
repeated judgments of cfg[partid] in mpam_update_config() and also
decrease the times of smp_call remote invocations.

What about your option towards it?

Best regards,
Zeng Heng