Re: [PATCH v5 3/3] net: stmmac: dwmac-nuvoton: Add dwmac glue for Nuvoton MA35 family

From: Przemek Kitszel
Date: Fri Dec 20 2024 - 06:01:09 EST

On 12/20/24 08:07, Joey Lu wrote:
Dear Przemek,

Thank you for your reply.

sure :)
please also configure your email to write replies as plain-text, instead

I also forgot to say, that you should have target this series for the
net-next (--subject-prefix for git-send-email)

Please also note that your v2 should wait to be send in the new year,
as we will begin the Winter Break for netdev ML in a moment.

+/* 2000ps is mapped to 0 ~ 0xF */
+#define PATH_DELAY_DEC      134

would be great to previx your macros by NVT_
Got it.

why 134 and not 125?

The interval is confirmed to be 134. The mapping is as follows:

|0000| = 0.00 ns
|0001| = 0.13 ns
|0010| = 0.27 ns
|1111| = 2.00 ns

thanks, that's correct, sorry for confusion