Re: [PATCH v5 1/2] drm/panthor: Expose size of driver internal BO's over fdinfo
From: Steven Price
Date: Fri Dec 20 2024 - 06:12:44 EST
On 18/12/2024 19:14, Adrián Larumbe wrote:
> On 19.12.2024 02:18, Adrián Martínez Larumbe wrote:
>> From: Adrián Larumbe <adrian.larumbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> This will display the sizes of kenrel BO's bound to an open file, which are
>> otherwise not exposed to UM through a handle.
>> The sizes recorded are as follows:
>> - Per group: suspend buffer, protm-suspend buffer, syncobjcs
>> - Per queue: ringbuffer, profiling slots, firmware interface
>> - For all heaps in all heap pools across all VM's bound to an open file,
>> record size of all heap chuks, and for each pool the gpu_context BO too.
>> This does not record the size of FW regions, as these aren't bound to a
>> specific open file and remain active through the whole life of the driver.
>> Signed-off-by: Adrián Larumbe <adrian.larumbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Reviewed-by: Liviu Dudau <liviu.dudau@xxxxxxx>
>> ---
>> +size_t panthor_heap_pool_size(struct panthor_heap_pool *pool)
>> +{
>> + struct panthor_heap *heap;
>> + unsigned long i;
>> + size_t size = 0;
>> +
>> + down_read(&pool->lock);
>> + xa_for_each(&pool->xa, i, heap)
>> + size += heap->chunk_size * heap->chunk_count;
>> + up_write(&pool->lock);
> Oh well, just realised I forgot to change this to up_read() so will do in a final revision.
With that fixed, feel free to add:
Reviewed-by: Steven Price <steven.price@xxxxxxx>