Re: [PATCH v4 6/7] arm64: defconfig: enable cpu idle injection and cpu idle cooling device

From: Manaf Meethalavalappu Pallikunhi
Date: Fri Dec 20 2024 - 06:39:29 EST

Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for reviewing this patch.

On 12/18/2024 1:32 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 17/12/2024 07:48, Wasim Nazir wrote:
From: Manaf Meethalavalappu Pallikunhi <quic_manafm@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Enable cpu idle injection framework and thermal cpu idle cooling device
to throttle the cpu by injecting idle cycle during high thermal condition.
I know what they do, but why do we need it in the defconfig? This is not
a product defconfig, just in case you mirrored downstream patches.

We believe these defconfigs serve as a generic framework rather than being tied to specific product features. Therefore, we have enabled them in the defconfig to ensure the end-to-end feature is available in the pristine upstream build. However, if you think this would introduce overhead for other products, we will exclude this patch in the next revision.

Best regards,


Best regards,