Re: [PATCH v5 2/4] Bluetooth: qca: Update firmware-name to support board specific nvm

From: Cheng Jiang (IOE)
Date: Tue Dec 24 2024 - 03:30:28 EST

On 12/23/2024 7:46 PM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 23.12.2024 3:47 AM, Cheng Jiang (IOE) wrote:
>> Hi Konrad,
>> On 12/20/2024 9:46 PM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
>>> On 13.12.2024 8:05 AM, Cheng Jiang (IOE) wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>> /*
>>>>> * If the board-specific file is missing, try loading the default
>>>>> * one, unless that was attempted already
>>>>> */
>>>>> But, even more importantly:
>>>>> a) do we want to load the "incorrect" file?
>>>> Normally, there is a default NVM file ending with .bin, which is suitable
>>>> for most boards. However, some boards have different configurations that
>>>> require a specific NVM. If a board-specific NVM is not found, a default
>>>> NVM is preferred over not loading any NVM.
>>> So, if one is specified, but not found, this should either be a loud error,
>>> or a very loud warning & fallback. Otherwise, the device may provide subpar
>>> user experience without the user getting a chance to know the reason.
>>> I think failing is better here, as that sends a clearer message, and would
>>> only happen if the DT has a specific path (meaning the user put some
>>> intentions behind that choice)
>> In the existing BT driver implementation, even if the rampatch/nvm are not found,
>> BT still works with ROM code only. No fails, just a warning in the dmesg. For this
>> new approach, we use the similar logic.
>> The fallback to load a default nvm file is due to each board has a unique board
>> id, it's not necessary to upstream all the board-specific nvm since most of them
>> may be the same, the default nvm file is suitable for them. But we can't set the
>> default nvm file name in the DT, since the platform can attach different
>> connectivity boards. This is a reasonable way to approach this.
> Okay, let's do it this way then.
>>>>> b) why would we want to specify the .bin file if it's the default anyway?
>>>> The default NVM directory is the root of qca. The 'firmware-name' property
>>>> can specify an NVM file in another directory. This can be either a default
>>>> NVM like 'QCA6698/hpnv21.bin' or a board-specific NVM like 'QCA6698/hpnv21.b205'.
>>> Do we expect QCA6698/hpnv21.bin and QCAabcd/hpnv21.bin to be compatible?
>> No. It may be different.
> That's a bit disappointing considering the filename implies it's suitable
> for a family of chips.. But I guess there's nothing we can change here.
They are different generations, so the nvm file may be not compatible. Yes,
there is nothing we can change here.

> Konrad