Sorry, but by CCing 191 random addresses like this,
that's the best waySincerely hope that's the case.
to be added to .procmailrc and be completely ignored by everyone. At some
point one should wonder whether that's a common practice or if such
behaviors will be considered offensive by the majority. get_maintainer.pl
only lists the 2 lists and 3 addresses I left in CC (after Kent and Andy
whom I left since they replied to you).
This patch, for example, has been submitted multiple times without receivingIt can happen, but sending to the right people and possibly resending if
any response, unfortunately.
it gets lost is usually sufficient to attract attention. Sending to that
many people make you look like someone feeling so important they need to
shout in a loudspeaker to send orders to everyone.
Please refrain fromAs above.
doing this in the future.
Description: OpenPGP public key
Description: OpenPGP digital signature