Re: Aw: Re: [PATCH v1 1/3] arm64: dts: marvell: Fix anyOf conditional failed
From: Frank Wunderlich
Date: Thu Jan 02 2025 - 14:55:42 EST
Am 2. Januar 2025 20:46:05 MEZ schrieb Rob Herring <robh@xxxxxxxxxx>:
>On Thu, Jan 2, 2025 at 12:44 PM Frank Wunderlich
><frank-w@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> is there any new state here? got no answer for my last 2 Messages
>> sorry for the html-entities...they came from my gmx webmailer, it is reported multiple times, but i cannot do more here :(
>As a maintainer, when I see any discussion or comments, I drop the
>patch from my queue. That may have happened here. It is best to resend
>if it's been more than 2 weeks. Though Marvell maintainer response
>times are often longer than that sadly.
>You haven't addressed my comment either. The subject needs work. If
>you don't like my suggestion, then come up with your own.
I have addressed your comment:
>> Here and the subject, "fixing anyOf" isn't very specific and is just an
>> implementation detail of the schema. "Add missing required 'phys'
>> property" would be more exact.
> imho it does not match what patch does...i do not add required phys...i just disable the nodes and enable them only where phys is set.
But maybe i can name it better.
Maybe something like this:
"Fix binding error caused by incomplete nodes."
regards Frank