Re: [PATCH] platform/x86: acer-wmi: improve platform profile handling

From: Armin Wolf
Date: Fri Jan 03 2025 - 16:08:20 EST

Am 03.01.25 um 20:52 schrieb Hridesh MG:

Do you perhaps know if users expect a thermal profile change on AC
connect/disconnect events on Windows? This would solve this discussion
Yep, there is a profile change on AC disconnect on Windows.
Specifically, it forces the balanced platform profile and returns to
the last active profile on replugging (the UI disallows changing of
profiles when disconnected but it is possible via WMI)

From my testing, what I've found out is that even if we don't handle
on_AC, the profile is still set but the hardware will not put the
changes into effect until we plug in AC.
I did some more testing and I was a bit mistaken in the way it works.
While the system is unplugged it will still apply the three different
profiles (as evident by the differing fan speeds) but the CPU will
aggressively throttle under stress, placing an upper limit on the
maximum clock rate, this limit is lifted upon plugging in AC.

That is some very important information right here. The platform-profile documentation states:

"Specifically when selecting a high performance profile the actual achieved
performance may be limited by various factors such as: the heat generated
by other components, room temperature, free air flow at the bottom of a
laptop, etc. It is explicitly NOT a goal of this API to let userspace know
about any sub-optimal conditions which are impeding reaching the requested
performance level."

I think the AC handling is unnecessary in this case as the hardware seems to accept different profiles
even when not running on AC. This would simplify the platform profile cycling inside the driver and
allow us to use platform_profile_cycle().

I wonder if this special behavior of the acer-wmi driver is documented somewhere. I am asking this since
this has a great potential to confuse users.

Armin Wolf

Hridesh MG