Re: [PATCH v3 4/4] drm/msm/dp: Add support for LTTPR handling

From: Johan Hovold
Date: Tue Jan 07 2025 - 04:32:43 EST

On Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 02:58:18PM +0200, Abel Vesa wrote:
> Link Training Tunable PHY Repeaters (LTTPRs) are defined in DisplayPort
> 1.4a specification. As the name suggests, these PHY repeaters are
> capable of adjusting their output for link training purposes.
> According to the DisplayPort standard, LTTPRs have two operating
> modes:
> - non-transparent - it replies to DPCD LTTPR field specific AUX
> requests, while passes through all other AUX requests
> - transparent - it passes through all AUX requests.
> Switching between this two modes is done by the DPTX by issuing
> an AUX write to the DPCD PHY_REPEATER_MODE register.
> The msm DP driver is currently lacking any handling of LTTPRs.
> This means that if at least one LTTPR is found between DPTX and DPRX,
> the link training would fail if that LTTPR was not already configured
> in transparent mode.
> The section from the DisplayPort v2.0 specification mandates
> that before link training with the LTTPR is started, the DPTX may place
> the LTTPR in non-transparent mode by first switching to transparent mode
> and then to non-transparent mode. This operation seems to be needed only
> on first link training and doesn't need to be done again until device is
> unplugged.
> It has been observed on a few X Elite-based platforms which have
> such LTTPRs in their board design that the DPTX needs to follow the
> procedure described above in order for the link training to be successful.
> So add support for reading the LTTPR DPCD caps to figure out the number
> of such LTTPRs first. Then, for platforms (or Type-C dongles) that have
> at least one such an LTTPR, set its operation mode to transparent mode
> first and then to non-transparent, just like the mentioned section of
> the specification mandates.
> Tested-by: Johan Hovold <johan+linaro@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Abel Vesa <abel.vesa@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Johan Hovold <johan+linaro@xxxxxxxxxx>