Re: [PATCH] v1 pinctrl: mtk-eint: add eint new design for mt8196

From: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
Date: Tue Jan 07 2025 - 10:54:45 EST

Il 07/01/25 16:11, Linus Walleij ha scritto:
On Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 1:39 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
<angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Il 17/12/24 14:45, Linus Walleij ha scritto:
Hi Chang,

thanks for your patch!

On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 2:13 PM chang hao <ot_chhao.chang@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Chhao Chang <ot_chhao.chang@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Change 1: change EINT from 1 address to 5 addresses,
Eint number is stored on each base.
Change 2: Compatible with 1 address design

Signed-off-by: Chhao Chang <ot_chhao.chang@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

This patch looks good to me, as preparation for mt8196,
but can one of the Mediatek experts please
review it? If nothing happens I will just apply it I guess...

Linus, that's something like the fourth time that he pushes variations of this
patch which do break all MediaTek SoCs in a way or another, leaving only MT8196

That's unfortunate, and I see there is some annoyance building

The maintainers are here to protect the code and the change
would have anyway just been reverted soon if it breaks stuff.

How can we get this contribution on a better path?

Chhao: maybe you can split your idea into smaller changes
that can be reviewed and tested one by one?

Splitting would be nice, but I'm not sure it's really doable... besides,
there's only one way to get this right: testing on older platforms!

Even just one done manually, like MT8173, would be fine - the others can be
tested in KernelCI as we do have many MTK SoCs in the lab.
Then it's just about following the review process and adding the suggested
changes - nothing in particular.

Besides, I'm sorry for the very (maybe too much!) "strong" reply :-)


Linus Walleij