Re: [PATCH v1 15/29] cxl/region: Use an endpoint's SPA range to find a region

From: Gregory Price
Date: Tue Jan 07 2025 - 14:14:27 EST

On Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 03:10:01PM +0100, Robert Richter wrote:
> To find the correct region and root port of an endpoint of a system
> needing address translation, the endpoint's HPA range must be
> translated to each of the parent port address ranges up to the root
> decoder.
> Calculate the SPA range using the newly introduced callback function
> port->to_hpa() that translates the decoder's HPA range to its parent
> port's HPA range of the next outer memory domain. Introduce the helper
> function cxl_port_calc_hpa() for this to calculate address ranges
> using the low-level port->to_hpa() callbacks. Determine the root port
> SPA range by iterating all the ports up to the root. Store the
> endpoint's SPA range and use it to find the endpoint's region.

Some comments/questions inline.

> Signed-off-by: Robert Richter <rrichter@xxxxxxx>
> ---
> drivers/cxl/core/region.c | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
> drivers/cxl/cxl.h | 1 +
> 2 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
... snip ...
> + while (1) {
> + parent = parent_port_of(iter);
> +

I'm always suspicious of unbounded while loops. Should this simply be

while(iter) {

Instead? Given the rest of the function, I don't think this matters,
but it's at least a bit clearer.

> + if (is_cxl_endpoint(iter))
> + cxld = &cxled->cxld;
> + else if (!parent || parent->to_hpa)
> + cxld = cxl_port_find_switch_decoder(iter, &hpa);
> +
> + if (!cxld) {
> + dev_err(cxlmd->dev.parent,
> + "%s:%s no CXL window for range %#llx:%#llx\n",
> + dev_name(&cxlmd->dev), dev_name(&cxled->,
> + hpa.start, hpa.end);
> + return -ENXIO;
> + }

I also think we should be able to move this check out of the loop on
various break conditions (iter==NULL, cxld not found, etc).

> +
> + /* No parent means the root port was found. */
> + if (!parent)
> + break;
> +
> + /* Translate HPA to the next upper memory domain. */
> + if (cxl_port_calc_hpa(parent, cxld, &hpa))
> + return -ENXIO;
> +
> + iter = parent;
> }
> + dev_dbg(cxld->dev.parent,
> + "%s:%s: range:%#llx-%#llx\n",
> + dev_name(&cxled->, dev_name(&cxld->dev),
> + hpa.start, hpa.end);
> +
> cxled->cxlrd = to_cxl_root_decoder(&cxld->dev);
> + cxled->spa_range = hpa;
> return 0;
> }

Overall good, just think we might be able to improve the readability /
safety of this loop a bit.

Stupid question: I presume a look in this iteration is not (generally?)
possible, but if it were to happen this while loop as-is would go infinite.
Is that something we should worry about it?
