Re: [PATCH 2/2] bcachefs: set rebalance thread to SCHED_BATCH and nice 19

From: Christian Loehle
Date: Tue Jan 14 2025 - 08:29:21 EST

On 1/14/25 12:47, Florian Schmaus wrote:
> While the rebalance thread is isually not compute bound, it does cause


> a considerable amount of I/O. Since "reducing" the nice level from 0
> to 19, also implicitly reduces the threads best-effort I/O scheduling
> class level from 4 to 7, the reblance thread's I/O will be depriotized


> over normal I/O.
> Furthermore, we set the rebalance thread's scheduling class to BATCH,
> which means that it will potentially receive a higher scheduling
> latency. Making room for threads that need a low
> schedulinglatency (e.g., interactive onces).

I know nothing about bcachefs internals, but could this also be a problem?
The rebalance thread might not run for O(second) or so?