Re: [PATCH v1] sched: Mention autogroup disabled behavior

From: Alejandro Colomar
Date: Thu Jan 16 2025 - 08:07:00 EST

Hi Phil,

> Subject: sched: Mention autogroup disabled behavior

Please use the pathname of the modified file as a prefix:

man/man7/sched.7: Mention autogroup disabled behavior

On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 12:46:54PM +0000, Phil Auld wrote:
> The autogroup feature can be contolled at runtime when
> built into the kernel. Disabling it in this case still
> creates autogroups and still shows the autogroup membership
> for the task in /proc. The scheduler code will just not
> use the the autogroup task group.

Would you mind showing (in the commit message) a shell session that
demonstrates this?

> This can be confusing
> to users. Add a sentence to this effect to sched.7 to
> point this out.
> Signed-off-by: Phil Auld <pauld@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: Alejandro Colomar <alx@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: <linux-man@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: LKML <linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


> ---
> man/man7/sched.7 | 2 ++
> 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/man/man7/sched.7 b/man/man7/sched.7
> index 71f098e48..f0a708cd7 100644
> --- a/man/man7/sched.7
> +++ b/man/man7/sched.7
> @@ -724,6 +724,8 @@ in the group terminates.
> .P
> When autogrouping is enabled, all of the members of an autogroup
> are placed in the same kernel scheduler "task group".
> +When disabled the group creation happens as above, and autogroup membership


Also, please use semantic newlines. See man-pages(7):

$ MANWIDTH=72 man man-pages | sed -n '/Use semantic newlines/,/^$/p'
Use semantic newlines
In the source of a manual page, new sentences should be started on
new lines, long sentences should be split into lines at clause
breaks (commas, semicolons, colons, and so on), and long clauses
should be split at phrase boundaries. This convention, sometimes
known as "semantic newlines", makes it easier to see the effect of
patches, which often operate at the level of individual sentences,
clauses, or phrases.

Have a lovely day!

> +is still visible in /proc, but the autogroups are not used.
> The CFS scheduler employs an algorithm that equalizes the
> distribution of CPU cycles across task groups.
> The benefits of this for interactive desktop performance
> --
> 2.47.0


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