Re: [PATCH 4/5] pinctrl: Add pin controller driver for AAEON UP boards

From: Thomas Richard
Date: Thu Jan 16 2025 - 08:24:16 EST

On 1/16/25 13:31, Andy Shevchenko wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 01:21:16PM +0100, Thomas Richard wrote:
>> On 1/16/25 10:12, Andy Shevchenko wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 11:28:26AM +0100, Thomas Richard wrote:
>>>> On 1/13/25 10:46, Andy Shevchenko wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 03, 2025 at 11:28:30AM +0100, Thomas Richard wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/22/24 00:43, Linus Walleij wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 2:50 PM Thomas Richard
>>>>>>> <thomas.richard@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Yes my cover letter was a bit short, and maybe some context was missing.
>>>>>>> The text and graphics below explain it very well, so please include them
>>>>>>> into the commit message so we have it there!
>>>>>>>> This FPGA acts as a level shifter between the Intel SoC pins and the pin
>>>>>>>> header, and also makes a kind of switch/mux.
>>>>>>> Since it's Intel we need to notify Andy to help out with this so that
>>>>>>> it gets done in a way that works with how he think consumers
>>>>>>> should interact with Intel pin control and GPIO.
>>>>>>>> +---------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> | | | | H |
>>>>>>>> |---------| |-------------| E |
>>>>>>>> | | | | A |
>>>>>>>> Intel Soc |---------| FPGA |-------------| D |
>>>>>>>> | | | | E |
>>>>>>>> |---------| |-------------| R |
>>>>>>>> | | | | |
>>>>>>>> ----------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> For most of the pins, the FPGA opens/closes a switch to enable/disable
>>>>>>>> the access to the SoC pin from a pin header.
>>>>>>>> Each "switch", has a direction flag that shall be set in tandem with the
>>>>>>>> status of the SoC pin.
>>>>>>>> For example, if the SoC pin is in PWM mode, the "switch" shall be
>>>>>>>> configured in output direction.
>>>>>>>> If the SoC pin is set in GPIO mode, the direction of the "switch" shall
>>>>>>>> corresponds to the GPIO direction.
>>>>>>>> +---------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> | | | | H |
>>>>>>>> | | \ | | E |
>>>>>>>> | PWM1 | \ | | A |
>>>>>>>> Intel Soc |--------------|----- \-----|-------------| D |
>>>>>>>> | | | | E |
>>>>>>>> | | | | R |
>>>>>>>> | | FPGA | | |
>>>>>>>> ----------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> (PWM1 pin from Intel SoC can be used as PWM, and also in GPIO mode,
>>>>>>>> thanks to the Intel pinctrl driver).
>>>>>>>> Few pins (PINMUX_* pins) work differently. The FPGA acts as a mux and
>>>>>>>> routes for example the I2C0_SDA pin or GPIOX (of the SoC) to the pin header.
>>> Yep, that's clear.
>>>>>>>> +---------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> | I2C0_SDA | | | H |
>>>>>>>> |-----------|----- \ | | E |
>>>>>>>> | | \ | | A |
>>>>>>>> Intel Soc | | \-----|-------------| D |
>>>>>>>> | GPIOX | | | E |
>>>>>>>> |-----------|----- | | R |
>>>>>>>> | | FPGA | | |
>>>>>>>> ----------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> The pin header looks like this:
>>>>>>>> +--------------------+--------------------+
>>>>>>>> | 3.3V | 5V |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO2 / I2C1_SDA | 5V |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO3 / I2C1_SCL | GND |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO4 / ADC0 | GPIO14 / UART1_TX |
>>>>>>>> | GND | GPIO15 / UART1_RX |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO17 / UART1_RTS | GPIO18 / I2S_CLK |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO27 | GND |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO22 | GPIO23 |
>>>>>>>> | 3.3V | GPIO24 |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO10 / SPI_MOSI | GND |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO9 / SPI_MISO | GPIO25 |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO11 / SPI_CLK | GPIO8 / SPI_CS0 |
>>>>>>>> | GND | GPIO7 / SPI_CS1 |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO0 / I2C0_SDA | GPIO1 / I2C0_SCL |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO5 | GND |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO6 | GPIO12 / PWM0 |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO13 / PWM1 | GND |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO19 / I2S_FRM | GPIO16 / UART1_CTS |
>>>>>>>> | GPIO26 | GPIO20 / I2S_DIN |
>>>>>>>> | GND | GPIO21 / I2S_DOUT |
>>>>>>>> +--------------------+--------------------+
>>>>>>>> The GPIOs in the pin header corresponds to the gpiochip I declare in
>>>>>>>> this driver.
>>>>>>>> So when I want to use a pin in GPIO mode, the upboard pinctrl driver
>>>>>>>> requests the corresponding SoC GPIO to the Intel pinctrl driver.
>>>>>>>> The SoC pins connected to the FPGA, are identified with "external" id.
>>>>>>>> The hardware and the FPGA were designed in tandem, so you know for
>>>>>>>> example that for the GPIOX you need to request the Nth "external" GPIO.
>>>>>>>> When you drive your GPIO, the upboard gpiochip manages in the same time
>>>>>>>> the direction of the "switch" and the value/direction of the
>>>>>>>> corresponding SoC pin.
>>>>>>>> +------------------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> |---------| |-------------| H |
>>>>>>>> |---------| GPIOCHIP |-------------| E |
>>>>>>>> Intel gpiochip |---------| |-------------| A |
>>>>>>>> provided by Intel |---------| FPGA |-------------| D |
>>>>>>>> pinctrl driver |---------| |-------------| E |
>>>>>>>> |---------| |-------------| R |
>>>>>>>> |---------| |-------------| |
>>>>>>>> +------------------+ +--------------+ +---+
>>>>>>>> About gpiochip_add_pinlist_range(), I added it because the FPGA pins
>>>>>>>> used by the gpiochip are not consecutive.
>>>>>>>> Please let me know if it is not clear.
>>>>>>>> And sorry I'm not very good to make ascii art.
>>>>>>> I get it! We have a similar driver in the kernel already, look into:
>>>>>>> drivers/gpio/gpio-aggregator.c
>>>>>>> The aggregator abstraction is however just software. What you
>>>>>>> need here is a gpio-aggregator that adds some hardware
>>>>>>> control on top. But it has a very nice design using a bitmap
>>>>>>> to keep track of the GPIOs etc, and it supports operations
>>>>>>> on multiple GPIOs (many man-hours of hard coding and
>>>>>>> design went into that driver, ask Geert and Andy...)
>>>>>>> So I would proceed like this:
>>>>>>> - The pin control part of the driver looks sound, except
>>>>>>> for the way you add ranges.
>>>>>>> - The gpiochip part needs to be refactored using the
>>>>>>> ideas from gpio-aggregator.c.
>>>>>>> - Look closely at aggregator and see what you can do
>>>>>>> based on that code, if you can mimic how it picks up
>>>>>>> and forwards all GPIO functions. Maybe part of it
>>>>>>> needs to be made into a library?
>>>>>>> <linux/gpio/gpio-aggregator.h>?
>>>>>>> For example if you start to feel like "I would really like
>>>>>>> to just call gpio_fwd_get_multiple() then this is what
>>>>>>> you want to do. The library can probably still be
>>>>>>> inside gpio-aggregator.c the way we do it in
>>>>>>> e.g. gpio-mmio.c, just export and keep library functions
>>>>>>> separately.
>>>>>> Ok I think I understand what you expect.
>>>>>> I started to look at the gpio-aggregator code, play a bit with it, and
>>>>>> refactor it to use it from my driver.
>>>>>> My main issue is about the request of the SoC GPIOs done by the aggregator.
>>>>>> If from my driver I call the aggregator library to create a gpiochip,
>>>>>> the SoC pins will be requested. So the SoC pins will be set in GPIO
>>>>>> mode, and the pins will never be in function mode.
>>>>>> There is no way to set the pins back to function mode (even if the GPIO
>>>>>> is free).
>>>>>> I tried to add a feature in the aggregator to defer the request of the gpio.
>>>>>> So at the beginning of each ops the gpio_desc is checked. If it is
>>>>>> valid, the gpio can be used. Otherwise, the gpio is requested.
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> gpio_fwd_get() {
>>>>>> if (!gpio_desc_is_valid(desc))
>>>>>> desc = request_gpio()
>>>>>> return gpiod_get_value(desc)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> But when a gpiochip is registered, the core calls get_direction() or
>>>>>> direction_input(), so all GPIOs are requested and it does not solve my
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>> I expect to register a gpiochip without setting all pins in GPIO mode at
>>>>>> probe time (like all pinctrl driver do).
>>>>>> But I did not find a solution.
>>>>> Basically what you need is a pinctrl-aggregattor (an analogue for the pin
>>>>> muxing and configuration).
>>>> I found a trick to workaround the get_direction() issue in the
>>>> gpio-aggregator.
>>>> I added a "request on first use" feature on the aggregator.
>>>> The GPIO is requested during the request() operation of the fowarder.
>>>> static int gpio_fwd_request(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned int offset)
>>>> {
>>>> struct gpiochip_fwd *fwd = gpiochip_get_data(chip);
>>>> if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(fwd->descs[offset]))
>>>> return 0;
>>>> fwd->descs[offset] = devm_gpiod_get_index(fwd->dev, NULL,
>>>> offset, GPIOD_ASIS);
>>>> return PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO(fwd->descs[offset]);
>>>> }
>>>> The remaining problem is that the get_direction() callback is called
>>>> during gpiochip registration. For now if the gpio_desc is not valid (so
>>>> the GPIO was not yet requested) I return GPIO_LINE_DIRECTION_OUT by
>>>> default. But I'm not very convinced by this hack.
>>>> Maybe I could retrieve the gpio_chip and call its get_direction()
>>>> callback, but it seems not to be a better idea.
>>>> For the pinctrl-aggregator you mentioned, if I understand correctly the
>>>> idea to aggregate the SoC pins in a pinctrl aggregator (with a
>>>> gpio_chip) which just forwards gpio_request_enable(),
>>>> gpio_disable_free(), gpio_set_direction() and also all gpio_chip operations.
>>> No only these, all of the pin mux, pin configuration, and GPIO operations
>>> should be proxied.
>> Why should I proxy operations that will never be used (pin mux, pin
>> conf) ? I mean there will never be a driver that will configure FPGA pins.
> According to your picture above the FPGA works as a pin function selector,
> which also implies different pin configuration (e.g., slew rate for I²C pins).
> Did I get it wrong?

Yes you are right. In function mode the FPGA selects the I2C pin. When
the FPGA GPIO is requested, the FPGA changes the mux to select a SoC
GPIO pin (a pure GPIO pin).

>>>> But how to deal with the pinctrl of my FPGA ? For one of its fake pin
>>>> the dummy pinctrl drives the corresponding SoC pin and FPGA pin ?
>>> What's the "fake pin"? I can't find the one up in your schemas.
>> I thought that the idea was a virtual pinctrl which drive the SoC
>> pinctrl and the FPGA pinctrl. But what you mean is the FPGA pinctrl acts
>> as a proxy.
> When one wants to configure the pin parameters (let's say pin bias) the driver
> delegates that to the SoC, in case the FPGA doesn't repeat this itself. Or both,
> but this makes things too complicated already.

The FPGA cannot configure pin parameter. It can only configures the
forward direction.
For example, for UART_TX pin the FPGA will set direction as "output" and
for UART_RX pin the FPGA will set direction as "input".
It can also enable/disable the forward of the SoC pin. If the forward of
a pin is disabled, the FPGA pin is in HIGH-Z.

>>>> So for each pin, the aggregator may have multiple pins to drive ?
>>> Depending on the case, but yes. Currently we have implementations of
>>> the discrete pin controls on Intel platforms based on ACPI (see Intel Minnow,
>>> Intel Galileo, Intel Edison/Arduino boards in meta-acpi project [1]).
>>> You probably want something similar to be written in C.
>>>> Was it your idea Andy ?
>>>> Other challenge is to retrieve all the pins to add in the
>>>> pinctrl-aggregator. As input I have only GPIO descriptors, but I guess
>>>> it should be feasible.
>>> In general your "proxy" (FPGA) pin control driver should be consumer of all SoC
>>> pins (and their respective muxing and configurations) and be provider of the
>>> pins that are available to the user.
>> Isn't that a bit over-engineered for my use case ?
> Yes, but it's already over-engineered in the HW, no?
>> For the pinconf / pinmux, the FPGA is just a voltage translator.
> It doesn't correspond to your picture where the pin function selector is depicted.

Yes you're right. I mean the mux can only select one function or GPIO mode.
I don't know why there is a mux to select a GPIO only pin, I'm pretty
sure the I2C pins can be set in GPIO mode.
It's probably for an hardware reason that a mux was added for only few pins.

>> It is transparent. The only relevant thing for the FPGA is the direction to
>> set for the switch of each pin. And the drivers knows which directions
>> to apply during the probe. This direction will only change in GPIO mode,
>> but in GPIO mode we know which direction to set.
>> For the GPIO part, the FPGA provides GPIOs. And in this case it is a
>> consumer of SoC GPIOs, it is already a kind of aggregator.
>>> [1]:

Thomas Richard, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering