Re: [PATCH v4 1/1] exec: seal system mappings

From: Lorenzo Stoakes
Date: Thu Jan 16 2025 - 10:49:56 EST

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 12:20:59PM -0800, Jeff Xu wrote:
> Hi Lorenzo
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 11:46 AM Lorenzo Stoakes
> <lorenzo.stoakes@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Jeff,
> >
> > My name is Lorenzo, not Lorenze.
> >
> I apologize.

No worries, sorry I realise it was probably a typo! But just in case you
didn't realise :P

> > I've made it abundantly clear that this (NACKed) series cannot allow the
> > kernel to be in a broken state even if a user sets flags to do so.
> >
> > This is because users might lack context to make this decision and
> > incorrectly do so, and now we ship a known-broken kernel.
> >
> > You are now suggesting disabling the !CRIU requirement. Which violates my
> > _requirements_ (not optional features).
> >
> Sure, I can add CRIU back.
> Are you fine with UML and gViso not working under this CONFIG ?
> UML/gViso doesn't use any KCONFIG like CRIU does.

Yeah this is a concern, wouldn't we be able to catch UML with a flag?

Apologies my fault for maybe not being totally up to date with this, but what
exactly was the gViso (is it gVisor actually?)

> > You seem to be saying you're pushing an internal feature on upstream and
> > only care about internal use cases, this is not how upstream works, as
> > Matthew alludes to.
> >
> > I have told you that my requirements are:
> >
> > 1. You cannot allow a user to set config or boot options to have a
> > broken kernel configuration.
> >
> Can you clarify on the definition of "broken kernel configuration":

Anything that'd unexpected break userland in a way that would be entirely

Especially so if there is a real disconnect between the person who is
enabling the feature and the program.

For instance if a distro wants to be big on security, is (as is entirely
reasonable) concerned about an unsealed VDSO/VVAR/etc. being exploited, so
turns on the flag, but _doesn't realise_ or doesn't communicate (such a big
problem and difficult actually for many distros/vendors) that this will
break certain programs - and then users do a kernel update, and *bang*
their whole system is broken.

It's really this kind of scenario I'm worried about.

This is the crux of it really.

> Do you consider "setting mseal kernel cmd line under 32 bit build" as broken ?
> If so, this problem is not solvable and I might just not try to solve
> it for the next version.

Yeah, I really don't like the kernel cmd line thing, because of this risk
of disconnect - your justification for it is prima facie reasonable - the
distro didn't want to enable the thing by default but you want more
security - but then we have this issue with the possible disconnect between
'hey here is security feature X' vs. 'security feature X breaks Y, Z +

> If you just refer to a need to detect CRIU, in KCONFIG or/and kernel
> cmd line, this is solvable.
> > 2. You must provide evidence that the arches you claim work with this,
> > actually do.
> >
> Sure

See my reply to Kees as to what this comprises, sorry if I was not clear

> > You seem to have eliminated that from your summary as if the very thing
> > that makes this series NACKed were not pertinent.
> >
> In my last email, I tried to cover all code-logic related comments,
> which is blocking me.
> I also mentioned I will address non-code related comments
> (threat-model/test etc), later.


I felt that you hadn't hit on my fundamental objections and this was in
effect - a final analysis as to how you would be moving forward with v5 -
but apologies if you did intend to separately discuss them.

> > if you do not address these correctly, I will simply have to reject your v5
> > too and it'll waste everybody's time. I _genuinely_ don't want to have to
> > do this.
> >
> > Any solution MUST fulfil these requirements. I also want to see v5 as an
> > RFC honestly at this stage, since it seems we are VERY MUCH in a discussion
> > phase rather than a patch phase at this time.
> >
> Sure.

To be clear - if the series is viable, I want to see it merged. And to
further clarify - a simpler, smaller version of this that explicitly
disallows breakage in config options suffices (though we must clarify the
gVisor + UML things).

If I just wanted to reject this outright, I'd tell you :) (I don't).

I just need to feel vaguely less anxious about breaking things! :)

> > I really want to help you improve mseal and get things upstream, but I
> > can't ignore my duty to ensure that the kernel remains stable and we don't
> > hand kernel users (overly huge) footguns. I hate to be negative, but this
> > is why I am pushing back so much here.
> >
> Thanks. You can help me by answering my questions, and clarify your
> requirements. I appreciate your time to make this feature useful.

Sure, hopefully I have done so, do follow up if anything was unclear.

> Please take note that the security feature often takes away
> capabilities. Sometimes it is impossible to meet security, usability
> or performance goals simultaneously. I'm trying my best to get all
> aspected satisfied.

Ack, and I realise it's often a difficult trade-off. I just worry about
compounding complexity in consequences of kernel configuration vs. userland
stuff + the disconnect between the two.

> -Jeff
> > Thanks!

Cheers, Lorenzo