Re: [PATCH v1] s390/vfio-ap: Signal eventfd when guest AP configuration is changed

From: Anthony Krowiak
Date: Thu Jan 16 2025 - 11:46:18 EST

Rorie, this is to inform listeners on the host of the guest.
The guest itself already sees this "inside" with uevents triggered
by the AP bus code.

Do you have a consumer for these events?

There is a series of QEMU patches that register a notification handler for this
event. When that handler gets called, it generates and queues a CRW to the guest
indicating there is event information pending which will cause the AP bus driver
to get notified of the AP configuration change via its ap_bus_cfg_chg notifier call.

The QEMU series can be seen at:

Kind regards,
A Krowiak