Re: [PATCH v5 1/2] dt-bindings: PCI: dw: rockchip: Add rk3576 support

From: Rob Herring (Arm)
Date: Fri Jan 17 2025 - 00:21:03 EST

On Fri, 17 Jan 2025 11:27:41 +0800, Kever Yang wrote:
> rk3576 is using dwc controller, with msi interrupt directly to gic instead
> of to gic its, so
> - no its support is required and the 'msi-map' is not need anymore,
> - a new 'msi' interrupt is needed.
> Signed-off-by: Kever Yang <kever.yang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> Changes in v5:
> - Add constraints per device for interrupt-names due to the interrupt is
> different from rk3588.
> Changes in v4:
> - Fix wrong indentation in dt_binding_check report by Rob
> Changes in v3:
> - Fix dtb check broken on rk3588
> - Update commit message
> Changes in v2:
> - remove required 'msi-map'
> - add interrupt name 'msi'
> .../bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml | 53 +++++++++++++++----
> .../bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie.yaml | 4 +-
> 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

My bot found errors running 'make dt_binding_check' on your patch:

yamllint warnings/errors:

dtschema/dtc warnings/errors:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: allOf:0:else:properties:interrupts: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
'min-items' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
'type' was expected
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: allOf:0:else:properties:interrupts: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
'max-Items' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
'type' was expected
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: allOf:0:if: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
'compatible' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
'type' was expected
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: allOf:0:then:properties:interrupts: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
'min-items' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
'type' was expected
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: allOf:0:then:properties:interrupts: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
'max-Items' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
'type' was expected
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie-common.yaml: properties:interrupts: {'minItems': 5, 'maxItems': 9, 'items': [{'description': 'Combined system interrupt, which is used to signal the following interrupts - phy_link_up, dll_link_up, link_req_rst_not, hp_pme, hp, hp_msi, link_auto_bw, link_auto_bw_msi, bw_mgt, bw_mgt_msi, edma_wr, edma_rd, dpa_sub_upd, rbar_update, link_eq_req, ep_elbi_app'}, {'description': 'Combined PM interrupt, which is used to signal the following interrupts - linkst_in_l1sub, linkst_in_l1, linkst_in_l2, linkst_in_l0s, linkst_out_l1sub, linkst_out_l1, linkst_out_l2, linkst_out_l0s, pm_dstate_update'}, {'description': 'Combined message interrupt, which is used to signal the following interrupts - ven_msg, unlock_msg, ltr_msg, cfg_pme, cfg_pme_msi, pm_pme, pm_to_ack, pm_turnoff, obff_idle, obff_obff, obff_cpu_active'}, {'description': 'Combined legacy interrupt, which is used to signal the following interrup
ts - inta, intb, intc, intd, tx_inta, tx_intb, tx_intc, tx_intd'}, {'description': 'Combined error interrupt, which is used to signal the following interrupts - aer_rc_err, aer_rc_err_msi, rx_cpl_timeout, tx_cpl_timeout, cor_err_sent, nf_err_sent, f_err_sent, cor_err_rx, nf_err_rx, f_err_rx, radm_qoverflow'}, {'description': 'Combinded MSI line interrupt, which is to support MSI interrupts output to GIC controller via GIC SPI interrupt instead of GIC its interrupt.'}, {'description': 'eDMA write channel 0 interrupt'}, {'description': 'eDMA write channel 1 interrupt'}, {'description': 'eDMA read channel 0 interrupt'}, {'description': 'eDMA read channel 1 interrupt'}]} should not be valid under {'required': ['maxItems']}
hint: "maxItems" is not needed with an "items" list
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie.example.dtb: pcie@fe280000: interrupt-names: ['sys', 'pmc', 'msg', 'legacy', 'err'] is too short
from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/pci/rockchip-dw-pcie.example.dtb: pcie@fe280000: Unevaluated properties are not allowed ('power-domains' was unexpected)
from schema $id:

doc reference errors (make refcheckdocs):


The base for the series is generally the latest rc1. A different dependency
should be noted in *this* patch.

If you already ran 'make dt_binding_check' and didn't see the above
error(s), then make sure 'yamllint' is installed and dt-schema is up to

pip3 install dtschema --upgrade

Please check and re-submit after running the above command yourself. Note
that DT_SCHEMA_FILES can be set to your schema file to speed up checking
your schema. However, it must be unset to test all examples with your schema.