Re: [RFC] tools/memory-model: Rule out OOTA
From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Fri Jan 17 2025 - 07:09:04 EST
Am 1/16/2025 um 8:39 PM schrieb Paul E. McKenney:
On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 08:28:06PM +0100, Jonas Oberhauser wrote:
Am 1/16/2025 um 7:40 PM schrieb Paul E. McKenney:
o If a value is read in the seqlock reader and used
across a "you need to retry" indication, that
flags a seqlock data race.
This too is insufficient, you also need to prevent dereferencing or having
control dependency inside the seqlock. Otherwise you could derefence a torn
pointer and...
True, but isn't that prohibition separable from the underlying
Yes, but so is the prohibition of using the value after the failed
So probably it needs to be added to the specification of what you are
allowed to do with values from the read-side critical section.
Actually this was a bug we had in some code once, and I overlooked it
because I thought the incorrect data isn't used anyways, right?
Luckily I had put the condition into our cat model already and so the
tooling caught the bug before it went out...
At this point your definition of data race becomes pretty much the same as
we have.
(also this rule should only concern reads that are actually "data-racy" - if
the read is synchronized by some other writes, then you can read & use it
just fine across the seqlock [edit: boundary])
Perhaps LKMM should adopt this or something similar, but what do others
I am not sure how many others are still reading this deep into the
conversation, maybe best to start a new thread.
I also noticed that in my previous e-mail I had overlooked the reads inside
the CS in the failure case, but you are of course right, there needs to be
some mechanism to prevent them from being data racy unless abused.
But I am not sure how to formalize that in a way that is simpler than just
re-defining data races in general, without adding some special support to
herd7 for it.
What do you think?
I was thinking in terms of identifying reads in critical sections (sort
of like LKMM does for RCU read-side critical sections), then identifying
any dependencies from those reads that cross a failed reader boundary.
If that set is non-empty, flag it.
Yes, the general idea sounds reasonable, but the details have a lot of
potential for future improvement.
One tricky part of seqlock besides the data race is that it kind of uses
negative message passing - the fact that you have not seen the message
means you also have not seen the flag. (And the message in this case is
the write_enter(), and the flag is the plain access in the critical
section! Fun.)
This makes it hard to formalize in the box of LKMM and make it play well
with all the other pieces.
Maybe something like avoiding rw data races also under something like prop?
r-prop-post-bounded ; ((overwrite & ext) ; cumul-fence*) ;
for the cases where the pre-bounded write must propagate after the
overwriting store, and the post-bounded read executes before and on the
same CPU as the overwritten event.
Then you could argue that if the overwriting write has not propagated to
the overwritten event, the pre-bounded write also has not propagated to
that event.
From that you can conclude it also can not have propagated to the
post-bounded read.
I'm not sure if the cases where propagation is handled by a strong-fence
are already covered by the rw-xbstar rule.
Have fun,