Re: [PATCH 2/2] drm/tidss: Add support for AM62L display subsystem

From: Aradhya Bhatia
Date: Sat Jan 18 2025 - 04:29:02 EST

Hi Devarsh,

Thanks for the patches.

On 31/12/24 14:34, Devarsh Thakkar wrote:
> Enable display for AM62L DSS [1] which supports only a single display
> pipeline using a single overlay manager, single video port and a single
> video lite pipeline which does not support scaling.
> The output of video port is routed to SoC boundary via DPI interface and
> the DPI signals from the video port are also routed to DSI Tx controller
> present within the SoC.
> [1]: Section 11.7 (Display Subsystem and Peripherals)
> Link :
> Signed-off-by: Devarsh Thakkar <devarsht@xxxxxx>
> ---
> drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.c | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.h | 2 ++
> drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_drv.c | 1 +
> 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.c
> index cacb5f3d8085..cd322d60b825 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/tidss/tidss_dispc.c
> @@ -376,6 +376,35 @@ const struct dispc_features dispc_am62a7_feats = {
> .vid_order = { 1, 0 },
> };
> +const struct dispc_features dispc_am62l_feats = {
> + .max_pclk_khz = {
> + [DISPC_VP_DPI] = 165000,

The TRM mentions that the max the VP PLL can go is 150MHz, so maybe you
might need to update this.

That said, as far as I understand, the IP itself can support 165 MHz,
and I am wondering, what would we do if there comes out a new SoC that
uses AM62L DSS as is, but just bumps up the PLL capacity to 165MHz.

It would be odd to have a ditto feats structure with just the frequency

> + },
> +
> + .subrev = DISPC_AM62L,
> +
> + .common = "common",
> + .common_regs = tidss_am65x_common_regs,

Also, I don't think we should utilize this as is.

The AM62L common regions is different, and is, at best, a subset of the
AM65x/AM62x common register space.

For example, registers VID_IRQ{STATUS, ENABLE}_0 have been dropped,
along with VP_IRQ{STATUS, ENABLE}_1.

- Which brings to my next concern...

> +
> + .num_vps = 1,
> + .vp_name = { "vp1" },
> + .ovr_name = { "ovr1" },
> + .vpclk_name = { "vp1" },
> + .vp_bus_type = { DISPC_VP_DPI },
> +
> + .vp_feat = { .color = {
> + .has_ctm = true,
> + .gamma_size = 256,
> + .gamma_type = TIDSS_GAMMA_8BIT,
> + },
> + },
> +
> + .num_planes = 1,
> + .vid_name = { "vidl1" },
> + .vid_lite = { true },
> + .vid_order = { 0 },


Usually, VID1 is the first video pipeline, while VIDL1 remains the
second. Which is why vid1 occupies the index 0, and vidl1 occupies 1 -
even from the hardware perspective.

While AM62L has only one video (lite) pipeline - vidl1, and there is no
vid1, the hardware still treats vidl1 at index 1.

For example, the TRM has defined DISPC_VID_IRQ{STATUS, ENABLE}_1 (and
not _0) in the common region.

So, the vid_order here should be 1, not 0.
