Re: BUG ? exc_page_fault() was optimized out of fred_hwexc() by gcc with default kernel build option (-O2).

From: Xin Li
Date: Sat Jan 18 2025 - 13:34:39 EST

On 1/18/2025 5:50 AM, Ethan Zhao wrote:
Hi, Xin, Peter

  While checking the asm code of arch/x86/entry/entry_fred.o about function fred_hwexc(),
found the code was generated as following :

0000000000000200 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0>:
 200:   0f b6 87 a4 00 00 00    movzbl 0xa4(%rdi),%eax
 207:   3c 0e                   cmp    $0xe,%al /* match X86_TRAP_PF */
 209:   75 05                   jne    210 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x10>
 20b:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    210 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x10>
 210:   3c 0b                   cmp    $0xb,%al
 212:   74 6a                   je     27e <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x7e>
 214:   77 17                   ja     22d <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x2d>
 216:   3c 06                   cmp    $0x6,%al
 218:   0f 84 83 00 00 00       je     2a1 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0xa1>
 21e:   76 29                   jbe    249 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x49>
 220:   3c 08                   cmp    $0x8,%al
 222:   74 78                   je     29c <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x9c>
 224:   3c 0a                   cmp    $0xa,%al
 226:   75 18                   jne    240 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x40>
 228:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    22d <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x2d>
 22d:   3c 11                   cmp    $0x11,%al
 22f:   74 66                   je     297 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x97>
 231:   76 2c                   jbe    25f <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x5f>
 233:   3c 13                   cmp    $0x13,%al
 235:   74 5b                   je     292 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x92>
 237:   3c 15                   cmp    $0x15,%al
 239:   75 1b                   jne    256 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x56>
 23b:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    240 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x40>
 240:   3c 07                   cmp    $0x7,%al
 242:   75 49                   jne    28d <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x8d>
 244:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    249 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x49>
 249:   3c 01                   cmp    $0x1,%al
 24b:   74 3b                   je     288 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x88>
 24d:   3c 05                   cmp    $0x5,%al
 24f:   75 1b                   jne    26c <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x6c>
 251:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    256 <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x56>
 256:   3c 12                   cmp    $0x12,%al
 258:   75 33                   jne    28d <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x8d>
 25a:   e9 00 00 00 00          jmp    25f <fred_hwexc.constprop.0+0x5f>

seems the following calling to exc_page_fault() was optimized out from fred_hwexc() by gcc,


gcc version 11.4.0 (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04)

GNU objdump (GNU Binutils) 2.43

default kernel config.

my understanding, -O2 is the default kernel KBUILD_CFLAGS
So, Are there any workaround needed to make the kernel works with default build ?
or just as Peter said in another loop, manually loading some event bits to make the
over-smart gcc behave normally ?or fall back to -O(ption)0 ?

Any idea, much appreciated !

This is an optimization done in the original code:

static noinstr void fred_hwexc(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
/* Optimize for #PF. That's the only exception which matters performance wise */
if (likely(regs->fred_ss.vector == X86_TRAP_PF))
return exc_page_fault(regs, error_code);

switch (regs->fred_ss.vector) {