ANNOUNCE: pahole v1.29 (Better DWARF loading & BTF encoding)

From: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
Date: Tue Jan 21 2025 - 07:29:20 EST


The v1.29 release of pahole is out with more efficient
multithreaded DWARF loading and BTF encoding, that is now always
reproducible, multiple decl tags are supported in the BTF loader and
thus pfunct can pretty print the full function prototype.

Main git repo:

Mirror git repo:

tarball + gpg signature:

Thanks a lot to all the contributors and distro packagers,
you're on the CC list, we appreciate a lot the work you put into these

Best Regards,

- Arnaldo

DWARF loader:

- Multithreading is now contained in the DWARF loader using a jobs queue and a
pool of worker threads.

BTF encoder:

- The parallel reproducible BTF generation done using the new DWARF loader
multithreading model is as fast as the old non-reproducible one and thus is
now always performed, making the "reproducible_build" flag moot.

The memory consumption is now greatly reduced as well.

BTF loader:

- Support for multiple BTF_DECL_TAGs pointing to same tag.


$ pfunct vmlinux -F btf -f bpf_rdonly_cast
bpf_kfunc bpf_fastcall void *bpf_rdonly_cast(const void *obj__ign, u32 btf_id__k);

Regression tests:

- Verify that pfunct prints btf_decl_tags read from BTF.


- Don't print functions twice when using -f.