[RFC] Request for most recent working UMCG diff patch

From: Abbas Dharamsey
Date: Tue Jan 21 2025 - 18:15:57 EST

Hi all,

I've been following the development of the User Managed Concurrency
Groups (UMCG), particularly the version discussed in March 2023:

I understand from Peter Oskolkov that the patch has evolved with
several important bug fixes since the March 2023 version. I also
understand that further UMCG development is awaiting sched_ext, as
there are plans to explore building UMCG-like per-process scheduling
infrastructure on top of it once it's merged into mainline. However, I
would still be very interested in getting access to the most recent
working version.

Would it be possible to get a copy of the most recent working diff patch -
including the complete boilerplate, formatting, and any bug fixes made
before development paused?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Abbas Dharamsey