Re: [PATCH] net: stmmac: dwmac-loongson: Add fix_soc_reset function

From: Yanteng Si
Date: Wed Jan 22 2025 - 03:54:01 EST

在 2025/1/22 09:31, Qunqin Zhao 写道:

在 2025/1/21 下午9:41, Yanteng Si 写道:

在 1/21/25 16:25, Qunqin Zhao 写道:
Loongson's GMAC device takes nearly two seconds to complete DMA reset,
however, the default waiting time for reset is 200 milliseconds
Is only GMAC like this?
At present, this situation has only been found on GMAC.

@@ -566,6 +578,7 @@ static int loongson_dwmac_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id
        plat->bsp_priv = ld;
      plat->setup = loongson_dwmac_setup;
+    plat->fix_soc_reset = loongson_fix_soc_reset;

If only GMAC needs to be done this way, how about putting it inside the loongson_gmac_data()?

Regardless of whether this situation occurs in other devices(like gnet), this change will not have any impact on gnet, right?

Yeah,However, it is obvious that there is now a more suitable
place for it. In the Loongson driver, `loongson_gmac_data()`
and `loongson_default_data()` were designed from the beginning.
When GNET support was added later, `loongson_gnet_data()`
was designed. We once made great efforts to extract these codes
from the `probe()` . Are we going to go back to the past?

Of course, I'm not saying that I disagree with you fixing the
GMAC in the `probe()`. I just think it's a bad start. After that,
other people may also put similar code here, and eventually
it will make the `probe` a mess.

If you insist on doing this, please change the function name
to `loongson_gmac_fix_reset()`, just like `loongson_gnet_fix_speed`.
